Cloud computing in tactical environments
Ground personnel at the tactical edge often lack data and analytics that would increase their effectiveness. To address this problem, this work investigates methods to deploy cloud computing capabilities in tactical environments. Our approach is to identify representative applications and to design a system that spans the software/hardware stack to...
Development of a high-throughput microwave imaging system for concealed weapons detection
A video-rate microwave imaging aperture for concealed threat detection can serve as a useful tool in securing crowded, high foot traffic environments. Realization of such a system presents two major technical challenges: 1) implementation of an electrically large antenna array for capture of a moving subject, and 2) fast image...
Scalable prototyping testbed for MMW imager system
A prototyping testbed for an experimental millimeter-wave multiple-imput multiple-output (MIMO) radar system for security applications in high foot-traffic areas will be presented. The system is designed for flexible operation at a 10 Hz video rate, enabled by high-speed electronic scanning and real-time signal processing. Overall imaging system costs are reduced...
In-storage embedded accelerator for sparse pattern processing
We present a novel architecture for sparse pattern processing, using flash storage with embedded accelerators. Sparse pattern processing on large data sets is the essence of applications such as document search, natural language processing, bioinformatics, subgraph matching, machine learning, and graph processing. One slice of our prototype accelerator is capable...
Novel graph processor architecture
Graph algorithms are increasingly used in applications that exploit large databases. However, conventional processor architectures are hard-pressed to handle the throughput and memory requirements of graph computation. Lincoln Laboratory's graph-processor architecture represents a fundamental rethinking of architectures. It utilizes innovations that include high-bandwidth three-dimensional (3D) communication links, a sparse matrix-based...
Visualizing Large Kronecker Graphs
Kronecker graphs have been shown to be one of the most promising models for real-world networks. Visualization of Kronecker graphs is an important challenge. This chapter describes an interactive framework to assist scientists and engineers in generating, analyzing, and visualizing Kronecker graphs with as little effort as possible.
3-d graph processor
Graph algorithms are used for numerous database applications such as analysis of financial transactions, social networking patterns, and internet data. While graph algorithms can work well with moderate size databases, processors often have difficulty providing sufficient throughput when the databases are large. This is because the processor architectures are poorly...