Tagged As triangle counting performance [e-print]
The rise of graph analytic systems has created a need for new ways to measure and compare the capabilities of graph processing systems. The MIT/Amazon/IEEE Graph Challenge has been developed to provide a well-defined community venue for stimulating research and highlighting innovations in graph analysis software, hardware, algorithms, and systems...
Hardware foundation for secure computing
Software security solutions are often considered to be more adaptable than their hardware counterparts. However, software has to work within the limitations of the system hardware platform, of which the selection is often dictated by functionality rather than security. Performance issues of security solutions without proper hardware support are easy...
Leveraging linear algebra to count and enumerate simple subgraphs
Even though subgraph counting and subgraph matching are well-known NP-Hard problems, they are foundational building blocks for many scientific and commercial applications. In order to analyze graphs that contain millions to billions of edges, distributed systems can provide computational scalability through search parallelization. One recent approach for exposing graph algorithm...
Towards a distributed framework for multi-agent reinforcement learning research
Some of the most important publications in deep reinforcement learning over the last few years have been fueled by access to massive amounts of computation through large scale distributed systems. The success of these approaches in achieving human-expert level performance on several complex video-game environments has motivated further exploration into...
A hardware root-of-trust design for low-power SoC edge devices
In this work, we introduce a hardware root-of-trust architecture for low-power edge devices. An accelerator-based SoC design that includes the hardware root-of-trust architecture is developed. An example application for the device is presented. We examine attacks based on physical access given the significant threat they pose to unattended edge systems...
Enhanced parallel simulation for ACAS X development
ACAS X is the next generation airborne collision avoidance system intended to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving U.S. National Airspace System (NAS). The collision avoidance safety and operational suitability of the system are optimized and continuously evaluated by simulating billions of characteristic aircraft encounters in a fast-time Monte...
Processing of crowdsourced observations of aircraft in a high performance computing environment
As unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) continue to integrate into the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS), there is a need to quantify the risk of airborne collisions between unmanned and manned aircraft to support regulation and standards development. Both regulators and standards developing organizations have made extensive use of Monte Carlo...
Hypersparse neural network analysis of large-scale internet traffic
The Internet is transforming our society, necessitating a quantitative understanding of Internet traffic. Our team collects and curates the largest publicly available Internet traffic data containing 50 billion packets. Utilizing a novel hypersparse neural network analysis of "video" streams of this traffic using 10,000 processors in the MIT SuperCloud reveals...
Large scale parallelization using file-based communications
In this paper, we present a novel and new file-based communication architecture using the local filesystem for large scale parallelization. This new approach eliminates the issues with filesystem overload and resource contention when using the central filesystem for large parallel jobs. The new approach incurs additional overhead due to inter-node...
Optimizing the visualization pipeline of a 3-D monitoring and management system
Monitoring and managing High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and environments generate an ever growing amount of data. Making sense of this data and generating a platform where the data can be visualized for system administrators and management to proactively identify system failures or understand the state of the system requires...