Global pattern search at scale
In recent years, data collection has far outpaced the tools for data analysis in the area of non-traditional GEOINT analysis. Traditional tools are designed to analyze small-scale numerical data, but there are few good interactive tools for processing large amounts of unstructured data such as raw text. In addition to...
Very large graphs for information extraction (VLG) - summary of first-year proof-of-concept study
In numerous application domains relevant to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, data of interest take the form of entities and the relationships between them, and these data are commonly represented as graphs. Under the Very Large Graphs for Information Extraction effort--a one-year proof-of-concept study--MIT LL developed novel...
Characterization of traffic and structure in the U.S. airport network
In this paper we seek to characterize traffic in the U.S. air transportation system, and to subsequently develop improved models of traffic demand. We model the air traffic within the U.S. national airspace system as dynamic weighted network. We employ techniques advanced by work in complex networks over the past...
A scalable signal processing architecture for massive graph analysis
In many applications, it is convenient to represent data as a graph, and often these datasets will be quite large. This paper presents an architecture for analyzing massive graphs, with a focus on signal processing applications such as modeling, filtering, and signal detection. We describe the architecture, which covers the...