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A multi-frame, megahertz CCD imager

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Nuclear Sci., Vol. 56, No. 3, June 2009, pp. 1188-1192.


The Los Alamos National Laboratory's Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility (DARHT) generates flash radiographs of explosive experiments using two linear induction electron accelerators situated at right angles. The DARHT second axis accelerator generates an 18-MeV, 2 kA, 2 sec electron beam which is converted or "chopped" into four individual pulses ranging from 20 to 100 nsec in length at 2 MHz frequency. The individual electron beam pulses are down-converted by a segmented lutetium oxyorthosilicate scintillator, creating four visible light flashes, to image explosively driven events. To record these events, a high efficiency, high speed, imager has been fabricated which is capable of framing rates of 2 MHz. This device utilizes a 512 512 pixel charge coupled device (CCD) with a 25 cm2 active area, and incorporates an electronic shutter technology designed for back-illuminated CCD's, making this the largest and fastest back-illuminated CCD in the world. Characterizing an imager capable of this frame rate presents unique challenges. High speed LED drivers and intense radioactive sources are needed to perform basic measurements.We investigate properties normally associated with single-frame CCDs such as read noise, gain, full-well capacity, detective quantum efficiency (DQE), sensitivity, and linearity. In addition, we investigate several properties associated with the imager's multi-frame operation such as transient frame response and frame-to-frame isolation while contrasting our measurement techniques and results with more conventional devices.


The Los Alamos National Laboratory's Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test Facility (DARHT) generates flash radiographs of explosive experiments using two linear induction electron accelerators situated at right angles. The DARHT second axis accelerator generates an 18-MeV, 2 kA, 2 sec electron beam which is converted or "chopped" into four individual...


Lincoln Laboratory high-speed solid-state imager technology

Published in:
SPIE Vol. 6279, 27th Int. Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, 17-22 September 2006, 62791K.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) has been developing both continuous and burst solid-state focal-plane-array technology for a variety of high-speed imaging applications. For continuous imaging, a 128 ¿ 128-pixel charge coupled device (CCD) has been fabricated with multiple output ports for operating rates greater than 10,000 frames per second with readout noise of less than 10 e- rms. An electronic shutter has been integrated into the pixels of the back-illuminated (BI) CCD imagers that give snapshot exposure times of less than 10 ns. For burst imaging, a 5 cm x 5 cm, 512 x 512-element, multi-frame CCD imager that collects four sequential image frames at megahertz rates has been developed for the Los Alamos National Laboratory Dual Axis Radiographic Hydrodynamic Test (DARHT) facility. To operate at fast frame rates with high sensitivity, the imager uses the same electronic shutter technology as the continuously framing 128 x 128 CCD imager. The design concept and test results are described for the burst-frame-rate imager. Also discussed is an evolving solid-state imager technology that has interesting characteristics for creating large-format x-ray detectors with ultra-short exposure times (100 to 300 ps). The detector will consist of CMOS readouts for high speed sampling (tens of picoseconds transistor switching times) that are bump bonded to deep-depletion silicon photodiodes. A 64 x 64-pixel CMOS test chip has been designed, fabricated and characterized to investigate the feasibility of making large-format detectors with short, simultaneous exposure times.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) has been developing both continuous and burst solid-state focal-plane-array technology for a variety of high-speed imaging applications. For continuous imaging, a 128 ¿ 128-pixel charge coupled device (CCD) has been fabricated with multiple output ports for operating rates greater than 10,000 frames...


High-fill-factor, burst-frame-rate charge-coupled device

Published in:
SPIE Vol. 5210, Ultrahigh- and High-Speed Photography, Photonics, and Videography, 3-8 August 2003, pp. 95-104.


A 512x512-element, multi-frame charge-coupled device (CCD) has been developed for collecting four sequential image frames at megahertz rates. To operate at fast frame rates with high sensitivity, the imager uses an electronic shutter technology developed for back-illuminated CCDs. Device-level simulations were done to estimate the CCD collection well spaces for sub-microsecond photoelectron collection times. Also required for the high frame rates were process enhancements that included metal strapping of the polysilicon gate electrodes and a second metal layer. Tests on finished back-illuminated CCD imagers have demonstrated sequential multi-frame capture capability with integration intervals in the hundreds of nanoseconds range.


A 512x512-element, multi-frame charge-coupled device (CCD) has been developed for collecting four sequential image frames at megahertz rates. To operate at fast frame rates with high sensitivity, the imager uses an electronic shutter technology developed for back-illuminated CCDs. Device-level simulations were done to estimate the CCD collection well spaces for...


High-speed, electronically shuttered solid-state imager technology

Published in:
Rev. Sci. Instrum. Vol. 74, No. 3, Pt. II, March 2003, pp. 2027-2031 (Proceedings of the 14th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, 8-11 July 2002)


Electronically shuttered solid-state imagers are being developed for high-speed imaging applications. A 5 cmx5 cm, 512x512-element, multiframe charge-coupled device (CCD) imager has been fabricated for the Los Alamos National Laboratory DARHT facility that collects four sequential image frames at megahertz rates. To operate at fast frame rates with high sensitivity, the imager uses an electronic shutter technology designed for back-illuminated CCDs. The design concept and test results are described for the burst-frame-rate imager. Also discussed is an evolving solid-state imager technology that has interesting characteristics for creating large-format x-ray detectors with short integration times (100 ps to 1 ns). Proposed device architectures use CMOS technology for high speed sampling (tens of picoseconds transistor switching times). Techniques for parallel clock distribution, that triggers the sampling of x-ray photoelectrons, will be described that exploit features of CMOS technology.


Electronically shuttered solid-state imagers are being developed for high-speed imaging applications. A 5 cmx5 cm, 512x512-element, multiframe charge-coupled device (CCD) imager has been fabricated for the Los Alamos National Laboratory DARHT facility that collects four sequential image frames at megahertz rates. To operate at fast frame rates with high sensitivity...


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