Multitap RF canceller for in-band full-duplex wireless communications
In-band full-duplex wireless communications are challenging because they require the mitigation of self-interference caused by the co-located transmitter to operate effectively. This paper presents a novel tapped delay line RF canceller architecture with multiple non-uniform pre-weighted taps to improve system isolation by cancelling both the direct antenna coupling as well...
Simultaneous transmit and receive antenna isolation improvement in scattering environments
Simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) systems require high isolation between the transmitter and receiver to avoid self-interference. Antenna isolation degradation stems from errors in the physical construction and beamformer design, as well as reflections from scattering objects in the environment. An RF canceller subsystem can be inserted at the antenna...
Adaptive RF canceller for transmit-receive isolation improvement
For effective operation, Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) systems require high isolation between the transmitted signals and the receiver input, the absence of which can lead to the saturation of a receiver's front end. This paper presents an adaptive RF canceller used to improve isolation. The canceller is configured as...