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Maximum-likelihood detection of unresolved radar targets and multipath

Published in:
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., Vol. AES-10, No. 6, November 1974, pp. 821-9.


Interference in the form of multipath or uncooperative targets can seriously degrade the angle-of-arrival estimation accuracy of mutiple beam processors. In this paper, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive a test to detect the presence of interference for multiple beam processors. The detector performance is then analyzed in detail with respect to its dependence on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-interference ration (SIR), and on the relative phase between the target and interfering signals. It is shown that good detection performance can be obtained unless the phase difference between the target and interference signals is either in or out of phase.


Interference in the form of multipath or uncooperative targets can seriously degrade the angle-of-arrival estimation accuracy of mutiple beam processors. In this paper, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive a test to detect the presence of interference for multiple beam processors. The detector performance is then analyzed...


An optimum interference detector for DABS monopulse data editing

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TN-1973-48


In the application of the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) concept to Air Traffic Control (ATC) surveillance, estimates of aircraft position must be made using as few replies as possible, preferably one. This requires the use of monopulse techniques. Since the beacon system provides high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the fundamental limitation to direction finding (DF) performance is due to externally generated interference from multipath signals and from the present Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (ATCRBS). Since there are many bits in any one DABS reply it should be possible to generate an accurate azimuth estimate if those that bear interference could be detected and deleted from the sample. In this report, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive an optimum interference statistic. The detector performance is then analyzed in detail with respect to its dependence on SNR, interference-to-signal ratio (ISR) and on the relative phase between the target and interfering signals. It is shown that good detection performance can be obtained if the phase difference between the target and interference signals are either in- or out-of-phase.


In the application of the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) concept to Air Traffic Control (ATC) surveillance, estimates of aircraft position must be made using as few replies as possible, preferably one. This requires the use of monopulse techniques. Since the beacon system provides high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the fundamental...


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