'Perfect reconstruction' time-scaling filterbanks
A filterbank-based method of time-scale modification is analyzed for elemental signals including clicks, sines, and AM-FM sines. It is shown that with the use of some basic properties of linear systems, as well as FM-to-AM filter transduction, "perfect reconstruction" time-scaling filterbanks can be constructed for these elemental signal classes under...
AM-FM separation using auditory-motivated filters
An approach to the joint estimation of sine-wave amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) is described based on the transduction of frequency modulation into amplitude modulation by linear filters, being motivated by the hypothesis that the auditory system uses a similar transduction mechanism in measuring sine-wave FM. An AM-FM...
A subband approach to time-scale expansion of complex acoustic signals
A new approach to time-scale expansion of short-duration complex acoustic signals is introduced. Using a subband signal representation, channel phases are selected to preserve a desired time-scaled temporal envelope. The phase representation is derived from locations of events that occur within filter bank outputs. A frame-based generalization of the method...
Time-scale modification with inconsistent constraints
A set theoretic estimation approach is introduced for timescale modification of complex acoustic signals. The method determines a signal that meets, in a least-squared error sense, desired temporal and spectral envelope constraints that are inconsistent. These constraints are generalized within the set theoretic framework to include other signal characteristics such...
Time-scale modification of complex acoustic signals
A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The technique constrains the modified signal to take on a specified spectral characteristic while imposing a time-scaled version of the original temporal envelope. Both full-band and sub-band representations of the temporal envelope are...
Time-scale modification with temporal envelope invariance
A new approach is introduced for time-scale modification of short-duration complex acoustic signals to improve their audibility. The method preserves the time-scaled temporal envelope of a signal and for enhancement capitalizes on the perceptual importance of a signal's temporal structure. The basis for the approach is a sub-band representation whose...