Airbus 320 performance during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach
An evaluation of Airbus 320 (A320) performance during ATC-directed breakouts was conducted in a two-part study during 1995. Phase 1 tested the combined effect of proposed ATC phraseology, pilot situational awareness training, and an A320-specific breakout procedure on performance. Pilot training included a briefing and viewing a videotape, but no...
Evaluation of Boeing 747-400 performance during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach
The effects of three different levels of pilot training on the breakout response of pilots and the Boeing 747-400 aircraft were studied. The study examined response during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach and was conducted in three phases. Phase 1 tested performance during manual and autopilot-coupled approaches given current procedures...
ATCRBS Reply Environment at Memphis International Airport
This report demonstrates, through data and analysis, how the airport environment can affect ATCRBS surveillance. The Lincoln Laboratory ATCRBS Monopulse Processing Subsystem was used to collect reply data at Memphis International Airport during March 1991. These data show a correlation between aircraft density, potential reflectors, and ATCRBS reply integrity. The...