Enhanced regional situational awareness
Airspace protection in the capital area is provided by an Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) created through the coordinated response of U.S. government and local law-enforcement agencies, including the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Capitol Police. The IADS includes U.S. Coast...
Airbus 320 performance during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach
An evaluation of Airbus 320 (A320) performance during ATC-directed breakouts was conducted in a two-part study during 1995. Phase 1 tested the combined effect of proposed ATC phraseology, pilot situational awareness training, and an A320-specific breakout procedure on performance. Pilot training included a briefing and viewing a videotape, but no...
Evaluation of Boeing 747-400 performance during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach
The effects of three different levels of pilot training on the breakout response of pilots and the Boeing 747-400 aircraft were studied. The study examined response during ATC-directed breakouts on final approach and was conducted in three phases. Phase 1 tested performance during manual and autopilot-coupled approaches given current procedures...
The effects of compression-induced distortion of graphical weather images on pilot perception, acceptance, and performance
The Graphical Weather Service (GWS) is a data link application that will provide near-real-time graphical weather information to pilots in flight. To assess the effect GWS, as well as to aid in the proper design, implementation and certification of the use of GWS in aircraft, two human factors studies have...
A human factors approach to the development and evaluation of the Graphical Weather Service
With the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration, MIT Lincoln Laboratory is developing the Graphical Weather Service (GWS), a data link application that provides near-real-time ground-based weather information to pilots. Through the use of GWS, the pilot will be able to access both graphical and text weather information for any...
The influence of data link-provided graphical weather on pilot decision-making
This report documents the findings of a human factor study conducted to estimate the effects of the Graphical-Weather Service (GWS) on general aviation (GA) aircraft utility, pilot situational awareness, and the weather dissemination workload on ground personnel. GWS is a data link application, being developed at MIT Lincoln Lbaoratory through...
Two simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely spaced parallel runways
This report documents the findings of two simulation studies of air traffic controller reaction to the Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The PRM is a new system for monitoring independent approaches, to closely spaced parallel runways. It consists of a radar which has higher accuracy and a faster update interval than...
Results of simulation studies of precision runway monitoring of independent approaches to closely-spaced parallel runways
Increased air travel in recent years has resulted in a steady increase in the number and duration of flight delays. In an attempt to increase airport capacity, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has supported the development of a Precision Runway Monitor (PRM). The...