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Matched filtering for subgraph detection in dynamic networks

Published in:
2011 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 28-30 June 2011, pp. 509-512.


Graphs are high-dimensional, non-Euclidean data, whose utility spans a wide variety of disciplines. While their non-Euclidean nature complicates the application of traditional signal processing paradigms, it is desirable to seek an analogous detection framework. In this paper we present a matched filtering method for graph sequences, extending to a dynamic setting a previous method for the detection of anomalously dense subgraphs in a large background. In simulation, we show that this temporal integration technique enables the detection of weak subgraph anomalies than are not detectable in the static case. We also demonstrate background/foreground separation using a real background graph based on a computer network.


Graphs are high-dimensional, non-Euclidean data, whose utility spans a wide variety of disciplines. While their non-Euclidean nature complicates the application of traditional signal processing paradigms, it is desirable to seek an analogous detection framework. In this paper we present a matched filtering method for graph sequences, extending to a dynamic...


Subgraph detection using eigenvector L1 norms

Published in:
23rd Int. Conf. on Neural Info. Process. Syst., NIPS, 6-9 December 2010, pp. 1633-41.


When working with network datasets, the theoretical framework of detection theory for Euclidean vector spaces no longer applies. Nevertheless, it is desirable to determine the detectability of small, anomalous graphs embedded into background networks with known statistical properties. Casting the problem of subgraph detection in a signal processing context, this article provides a framework and empirical results that elucidate a "detection theory" for graph-valued data. Its focus is the detection of anomalies in unweighted, undirected graphs through L1 properties of the eigenvectors of the graph's so-called modularity matrix. This metric is observed to have relatively low variance for certain categories of randomly-generated graphs, and to reveal the presence of an anomalous subgraph with reasonable reliability when the anomaly is not well-correlated with stronger portions of the background graph. An analysis of subgraphs in real network datasets confirms the efficacy of this approach.


When working with network datasets, the theoretical framework of detection theory for Euclidean vector spaces no longer applies. Nevertheless, it is desirable to determine the detectability of small, anomalous graphs embedded into background networks with known statistical properties. Casting the problem of subgraph detection in a signal processing context, this...


Hogs and slackers: using operations balance in a genetic algorithm to optimize sparse algebra computation on distributed architectures

Published in:
Parallel Comput., Vol. 36, No. 10-11, October-November 2010, pp. 635-644.


We present a framework for optimizing the distributed performance of sparse matrix computations. These computations are optimally parallelized by distributing their operations across processors in a subtly uneven balance. Because the optimal balance point depends on the non-zero patterns in the data, the algorithm, and the underlying hardware architecture, it is difficult to determine. The Hogs and Slackers genetic algorithm (GA) identifies processors with many operations - hogs, and processors with few operations - slackers. Its intelligent operation-balancing mutation operator swaps data blocks between hogs and slackers to explore new balance points. We show that this operator is integral to the performance of the genetic algorithm and use the framework to conduct an architecture study that varies network specifications. The Hogs and Slackers GA is itself a parallel algorithm with near linear speedup on a large computing cluster.


We present a framework for optimizing the distributed performance of sparse matrix computations. These computations are optimally parallelized by distributing their operations across processors in a subtly uneven balance. Because the optimal balance point depends on the non-zero patterns in the data, the algorithm, and the underlying hardware architecture, it...


Toward signal processing theory for graphs and non-Euclidean data

Published in:
ICASSP 2010, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 15 March 2010, pp. 5415-5417.


Graphs are canonical examples of high-dimensional non-Euclidean data sets, and are emerging as a common data structure in many fields. While there are many algorithms to analyze such data, a signal processing theory for evaluating these techniques akin to detection and estimation in the classical Euclidean setting remains to be developed. In this paper we show the conceptual advantages gained by formulating graph analysis problems in a signal processing framework by way of a practical example: detection of a subgraph embedded in a background graph. We describe an approach based on detection theory and provide empirical results indicating that the test statistic proposed has reasonable power to detect dense subgraphs in large random graphs.


Graphs are canonical examples of high-dimensional non-Euclidean data sets, and are emerging as a common data structure in many fields. While there are many algorithms to analyze such data, a signal processing theory for evaluating these techniques akin to detection and estimation in the classical Euclidean setting remains to be...


3-d graph processor


Graph algorithms are used for numerous database applications such as analysis of financial transactions, social networking patterns, and internet data. While graph algorithms can work well with moderate size databases, processors often have difficulty providing sufficient throughput when the databases are large. This is because the processor architectures are poorly matched to the graph computational flow. For example, most modern processors utilize cache based memory in order to take advantage of highly localized memory access patterns. However, memory access patterns associated with graph processing are often random in nature and can result in high cache miss rates. In addition, graph algorithms require significant overhead computation for dealing with indices of vertices and edges.


Graph algorithms are used for numerous database applications such as analysis of financial transactions, social networking patterns, and internet data. While graph algorithms can work well with moderate size databases, processors often have difficulty providing sufficient throughput when the databases are large. This is because the processor architectures are poorly...


High-productivity software development with pMATLAB

Published in:
Comput. Sci. Eng., Vol. 11, No. 1, January/February 2009, pp. 75-79.


In this paper, we explore the ease of tackling a communication-intensive parallel computing task - namely, the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). We start with a simple serial Matlab code, explore in detail a ID parallel FFT, and illustrate how it can be extended to multidimensional FFTs.


In this paper, we explore the ease of tackling a communication-intensive parallel computing task - namely, the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). We start with a simple serial Matlab code, explore in detail a ID parallel FFT, and illustrate how it can be extended to multidimensional FFTs.


PVTOL: providing productivity, performance, and portability to DoD signal processing applications on multicore processors

Published in:
DoD HPCMP 2008, High Performance Computing Modernization Program Users Group Conf., 14 July 2008, pp. 327-333.


PVTOL provides an object-oriented C++ API that hides the complexity of multicore architectures within a PGAS programming model, improving programmer productivity. Tasks and conduits enable data flow patterns such as pipelining and round-robining. Hierarchical maps concisely describe how to allocate hierarchical arrays across processor and memory hierarchies and provide a simple API for moving data across these hierarchies. Functors encapsulate computational kernels; new functors can be easily developed using the PVTOL API and can be fused for more efficient computation. Existing computation and communication technologies that are optimized for various architectures are used to achieve high performance. PVTOL abstracts the details of the underlying processor architectures to provide portability. We are actively developing PVTOL for Intel, PowerPC and Cell architectures and intend to add support for more computational kernels on these architectures. FPGAs are becoming popular for accelerating computation in both the high performance computing (HPC) and high performance embedded computing (HPEC) communities. Integrated processor-FPGA technologies are now available from both HPC and HPEC vendors, e.g. Cray and Mercury Computer Systems. We plan to support FPGAs as co-processors in PVTOL. Finally, automated mapping technology has been demonstrated with pMatlab. We plan to begin implementing automated mapping in PVTOL next year. Similar to PVL, as PVTOL matures and is used in more projects at Lincoln, we plan to propose concepts demonstrated in PVTOL to HPEC-SI for adoption into future versions of VSIPL++.


PVTOL provides an object-oriented C++ API that hides the complexity of multicore architectures within a PGAS programming model, improving programmer productivity. Tasks and conduits enable data flow patterns such as pipelining and round-robining. Hierarchical maps concisely describe how to allocate hierarchical arrays across processor and memory hierarchies and provide a...


pMATLAB parallel MATLAB library

Published in:
Int. J. High Perform. Comp. Appl., Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall 2007, pp. 336-359.


MATLAB has emerged as one of the languages most commonly used by scientists and engineers for technical computing, with approximately one million users worldwide. The primary benefits of MATLAB are reduced code development time via high levels of abstractions (e.g. first class multi-dimensional arrays and thousands of built in functions), interpretive, interactive programming, and powerful mathematical graphics. The compute intensive nature of technical computing means that many MATLAB users have codes that can significantly benefit from the increased performance offered by parallel computing. pMatlab provides this capability by implementing parallel global array semantics using standard operator overloading techniques. The core data structure in pMatlab is a distributed numerical array whose distribution onto multiple processors is specified with a "map" construct. Communication operations between distributed arrays are abstracted away from the user and pMatlab transparently supports redistribution between any block-cyclic-overlapped distributions up to four dimensions. pMatlab is built on top of the MatlabMPI communication library and runs on any combination of heterogeneous systems that support MATLAB, which includes Windows, Linux, MacOS X, and SunOS. This paper describes the overall design and architecture of the pMatlab implementation. Performance is validated by implementing the HPC Challenge benchmark suite and comparing pMatlab performance with the equivalent C+MPI codes. These results indicate that pMatlab can often achieve comparable performance to C+MPI, usually at one tenth the code size. Finally, we present implementation data collected from a sample of real pMatlab applications drawn from the approximately one hundred users at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. These data indicate that users are typically able to go from a serial code to an efficient pMatlab code in about 3 hours while changing less than 1% of their code.


MATLAB has emerged as one of the languages most commonly used by scientists and engineers for technical computing, with approximately one million users worldwide. The primary benefits of MATLAB are reduced code development time via high levels of abstractions (e.g. first class multi-dimensional arrays and thousands of built in functions)...


Technical challenges of supporting interactive HPC

Published in:
Ann. High Performance Computer Modernization Program Users Group Conf., 19-21 June 2007.


Users' demand for interactive, on-demand access to a large pool of high performance computing (HPC) resources is increasing. The majority of users at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) are involved in the interactive development of sensor processing algorithms. This development often requires a large amount of computation due to the complexity of the algorithms being explored and/or the size of the data set being analyzed. These researchers also require rapid turnaround of their jobs because each iteration directly influences code changes made for the following iteration. Historically, batch queue systems have not been a good match for this kind of user. The Lincoln Laboratory Grid (LLGrid) system at MIT-LL is the largest dedicated interactive, on-demand HPC system in the world. While the system also accommodates some batch queue jobs, the vast majority of jobs submitted are interactive, on-demand jobs. Choosing between running a system with a batch queue or in an interactive, on-demand manner involves tradeoffs. This paper discusses the tradeoffs between operating a cluster as a batch system, an interactive, ondemand system, or a hybrid system. The LLGrid system has been operational for over three years, and now serves over 200 users from across Lincoln. The system has run over 100,000 interactive jobs. It has become an integral part of many researchers' algorithm development workflows. For instance, in batch queue systems, an individual user commonly can gain access to 25% of the processors in the system after the job has waited in the queue; in our experience with on-demand, interactive operation, individual users often can also gain access to 20-25% of the cluster processors. This paper will share a variety of the new data on our experiences with running an interactive, on-demand system that also provides some batch queue access. Keywords: grid computing, on-demand, interactive high performance computing, cluster computing, parallel MATLAB.


Users' demand for interactive, on-demand access to a large pool of high performance computing (HPC) resources is increasing. The majority of users at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) are involved in the interactive development of sensor processing algorithms. This development often requires a large amount of computation...


PMatlab: parallel Matlab library for signal processing applications

Published in:
ICASSP, 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing, April 2007, pp. IV-1189 - IV-1192.


MATLAB is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. At MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MATLAB is used by technical staff to develop sensor processing algorithms. MATLAB'S popularity is based on availability of high-level abstractions leading to reduced code development time. Due to the compute intensive nature of scientific computing, these applications often require long running times and would benefit greatly from increased performance offered by parallel computing. pMatlab implements partitioned global address space (PGAS) support via standard operator overloading techniques. The core data structures in pMatlab are distributed arrays and maps, which simplify parallel programming by removing the need for explicit message passing. This paper presents the pMaltab design and results for the HPC Challenge benchmark suite. Additionally, two case studies of pMatlab use are described.


MATLAB is one of the most commonly used languages for scientific computing with approximately one million users worldwide. At MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MATLAB is used by technical staff to develop sensor processing algorithms. MATLAB'S popularity is based on availability of high-level abstractions leading to reduced code development time. Due to...