PALM - a system for precise aircraft location
The Precision Altitude and Landing Monitor (PALM) is intended to provide accurate stand-alone three-dimensional position data for aircraft equipped with standard beacon transponders using ground equipment designed for low life cycle cost. The PALM program, to the present time, has focused on an experimental evaluation of the accuracy of elevation...
Technical Assessment of Satellites for CONUS Air Traffic Control, Executive Summary
A number of satellite system techniques have been suggested as candidates to provide ATC surveillance, communication, and/or navigation service over CONUS. All techniques perform postion determination by multilateration using a constellation of satellites. They can be categorized as follows: 1) Coordinated Aircraft-to-Satellite Techniques (CAST), 2) Random Access Aircraft-to-Satellite Techniques (RAST)...
Multiple-access considerations - a satellite example
Increased air traffic coupled with the proliferation of sophisticated avionics can be expected to stimulate increased demand for air traffic control (ATC) services over the next few decades. New challenges for the design of communication, surveillance, and navigation subsystems is an anticipated consequence. Since it is unlikely that significantly larger...
Surveillance aspects of the Advanced Air Traffic Management System
Three topics with impact on the performance of Air-to Satellite-to-Ground Systems for Air Traffic Control Surveillance are addressed in detail: 1) vulnerability to intentional jamming; 2) performance degradation due to the multiple access noise which results from uncoordinated aircraft transmissions, and 3) tracking techniques for improved surveillance accuracy and reduced...
Concept formulation studies of the surveillance apects of the fourth generation air traffic control system
This report presents a first order feasibility study of four particular candidate surveillance systems for the fourth generation air traffic control system. No attempts has been made to compare these systems, rather we have chosen to examine in detail the most crucial aspects of each. This analysis has brought to...