Aperture PCB assemblies: transition to production ready designs
MACOM designed the initial radar panels for the next generation surveillance radar with limited funds, with the philosophy that the initial design would be kept as simple as possible and that incremental improvements would be made as the program progressed, with the intent of having a tile assembly that is...
High-voltage GaN-on-silicon Schottky diodes
M/A-COM Technology Solutions has continuing joint development efforts sponsored by the Department of Energy with MIT main campus and MIT Lincoln Laboratory to develop GaN-on-silicon two and three-terminal high-voltage/high current switching devices. The initial developmental goals were for a Schottky diode that has a reverse breakdown blocking voltage of >600...
High voltage GaN-on-silicon HEMT
M/A-COM Technology Solutions has continued in the joint development efforts sponsored by the Department of Energy with MIT main campus amd MIT Lincoln Labs to develop GaN on silicon three terminal high voltage/high current HEMT switching devices. The first year developmental goals were for a three terminal structure that has...
Low cost multifunction phased array radar concept
MIT Lincoln Laboratory and M/A-COM are jointly conducting a technology demonstration of affordable Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) technology for Next Generation air traffic control and national weather surveillance services. Aggressive cost and performance goals have been established for the system. The array architecture and its realization using custom Transmit...
Multifunction phased array radar (MPAR) for aircraft and weather surveillance
MIT Lincoln Laboratory and M/A-COM are jointly conducting a technology demonstration of affordable Multifunction Phased Array Radar (MPAR) technology for Next Generation air traffic control and national weather surveillance services. Aggressive cost and performance goals have been established for the system. The array architecture and its realization using custom Transmit...