Geospatial QPE accuracy dependence on weather radar network configurations
October 27, 2020
Journal Article
Published in:
J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., Vol. 59, No. 1, 2020, pp. 1773-92.
R&D Area:
R&D Group:
The relatively low density of weather radar networks can lead to low-altitude coverage gaps. As existing networks are evaluated for gap-fillers and new networks are designed, the benefits of low-altitude coverage must be assessed quantitatively. This study takes a regression approach to modeling quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) differences based on network density, antenna aperture, and polarimetric bias. Thousands of cases from the warm-season months of May–August 2015–2017 are processed using both the specific attenuation [R(A)] and reflectivity-differential reflectivity [R(Z,ZDR)] QPE methods and are compared against Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) rain gauge data. QPE errors are quantified based on beam height, cross-radial resolution, added polarimetric bias, and observed rainfall rate. The collected data are used to construct a support vector machine regression model that is applied to the current WSR-88D network for holistic error quantification. An analysis of the effects of polarimetric bias on flash-flood rainfall rates is presented. Rainfall rates based on 2-year/1-hr return rates are used for a CONUS-wide analysis of QPE errors in extreme rainfall situations. These errors are then re-quantified using previously proposed network design scenarios with additional radars that provide enhanced estimate capabilities. Finally, a gap-filling scenario utilizing the QPE error model, flash-flood rainfall rates, population density, and potential additional WSR-88D sites is presented, exposing the highest-benefit coverage holes in augmenting the WSR-88D network (or a future network) relative to QPE performance.