Corpora design and score calibration for text dependent pronunciation proficiency recognition
This work investigates methods for improving a pronunciation proficiency recognition system, both in terms of phonetic level posterior probability calibration, and in ordinal utterance level classification, for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Spanish and Russian. To support this work, utterance level labels were obtained by crowd-sourcing the annotation of language learners'...
LLTools: machine learning for human language processing
Machine learning methods in Human Language Technology have reached a stage of maturity where widespread use is both possible and desirable. The MIT Lincoln Laboratory LLTools software suite provides a step towards this goal by providing a set of easily accessible frameworks for incorporating speech, text, and entity resolution components...
NetProf iOS pronunciation feedback demonstration
One of the greatest challenges for an adult learning a new language is gaining the ability to distinguish and produce foreign sounds. The US Government trains 3,600 enlisted soldiers a year at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) in languages critical to national security, most of which are...