Corpora design and score calibration for text dependent pronunciation proficiency recognition
This work investigates methods for improving a pronunciation proficiency recognition system, both in terms of phonetic level posterior probability calibration, and in ordinal utterance level classification, for Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Spanish and Russian. To support this work, utterance level labels were obtained by crowd-sourcing the annotation of language learners'...
Using K-means in SVR-based text difficulty estimation
A challenge for second language learners, educators, and test creators is the identification of authentic materials at the right level of difficulty. In this work, we present an approach to automatically measure text difficulty, integrated into Auto-ILR, a web-based system that helps find text material at the right level for...
A new multiple choice comprehension test for MT
We present results from a new machine translation comprehension test, similar to those developed in previous work (Jones et al., 2007). This test has documents in four conditions: (1) original English documents; (2) human translations of the documents into Arabic; conditions (3) and (4) are machine translations of the Arabic...
Standardized ILR-based and task-based speech-to-speech MT evaluation
This paper describes a new method for task-based speech-to-speech machine translation evaluation, in which tasks are defined and assessed according to independent published standards, both for the military tasks performed and for the foreign language skill levels used. We analyze task success rates and automatic MT evaluation scores (BLEU and...
Development and use of a comprehensive humanitarian assessment tool in post-earthquake Haiti
This paper describes a comprehensive humanitarian assessment tool designed and used following the January 2010 Haiti earthquake. The tool was developed under Joint Task Force -- Haiti coordination using indicators of humanitarian needs to support decision making by the United States Government, agencies of the United Nations, and various non-governmental...
Using United States government language proficiency standards for MT evaluation
The purpose of this section is to discuss a method of measuring the degree to which the essential meaning of the original text is communicated in the MT output. We view this test to be a measurement of the fundamental goal of MT; that is, to convey information accurately from...
Machine translation for government applications
The idea of a mechanical process for converting one human language into another can be traced to a letter written by René Descartes in 1629, and after nearly 400 years, this vision has not been fully realized. Machine translation (MT) using digital computers has been a grand challenge for computer...
Two protocols comparing human and machine phonetic discrimination performance in conversational speech
This paper describes two experimental protocols for direct comparison on human and machine phonetic discrimination performance in continuous speech. These protocols attempt to isolate phonetic discrimination while controlling for language and segmentation biases. Results of two human experiments are described including comparisons with automatic phonetic recognition baselines. Our experiments suggest...
ILR-based MT comprehension test with multi-level questions
We present results from a new Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) based comprehension test. This new test design presents questions at multiple ILR difficulty levels within each document. We incorporated Arabic machine translation (MT) output from three independent research sites, arbitrarily merging these materials into one MT condition. We contrast the...
Experimental facility for measuring the impact of environmental noise and speaker variation on speech-to-speech translation devices
We describe the construction and use of a laboratory facility for testing the performance of speech-to-speech translation devices. Approximately 1500 English phrases from various military domains were recorded as spoken by each of 30 male and 12 female English speakers with variation in speaker accent, for a total of approximately...