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Multipath modeling for simulating the performance of the Microwave Landing System

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall 1989, pp. 459-474.


The Microwave Landing System (MLS) will be deployed throughout the world in the 1990s to provide precision guidance to aircraft for approach and landing at airports. At Lincoln Laboratory, we have developed a computer-based simulation that models the performance of MLS and takes into account the multipath effects of buildings, the surrounding terrain, and other aircraft in the vicinity. The simulation has provided useful information about the effects of multipath on MLS performance.


The Microwave Landing System (MLS) will be deployed throughout the world in the 1990s to provide precision guidance to aircraft for approach and landing at airports. At Lincoln Laboratory, we have developed a computer-based simulation that models the performance of MLS and takes into account the multipath effects of buildings...


MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3 Final Report, Volume III: Application of Models to MLS Assessment Issues, Part 2

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-88,III,PT-2


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new approach and landing guidance system. The first two volumes of the report presented an overview of the simulation effort as well as describing in detail the propagation and MLS technique mathematical models and their validation by comparison with experimental data. In this volume, we describe the results of comparative simulations for the various MLS techniques in various scenarios and analyze in detail certain multipath performance features which were found to be significant in the scenario simulations. Simulation results are presented for several scenarios, and shadowing of the MLS azimuth by taxiing and overflying aircraft is analyzed. The remainder of the report focuses onmultipath performance factors specific to various individual techniques. These include: (1) the effects of angle data outlier tests and filtering in the TRSB receivers, (2) the effects on the DMLS system due to receiver AGC, receiver motion-induced Doppler shifts, and the use of commutated reference systems, and (3) acquisition/validation algorithms for all three techniques. The report concludes with a summary and suggestions for future work. Part I of this volume consists of Chapters I through IV; Part II contains Chapters V through VIII and the Appendices.


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...


MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3 Final Report, Volume III: Application of Models to MLS Assessment Issues, Part 1

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-88,III,PT-1


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new approach and landing guidance system. The first two volumes of the report presented an overview of the simulation effort as well as describing in detail the propagation and MLS technique mathematical models and their validation by comparison with experimental data. In this volume, we describe the results of comparative simulations for the various MLS techniques in various scenarios and analyze in detail certain multipath performance features which were found to be significant in the scenario simulations. Simulation results are presented for several scenarios, and shadowing of the MLS azimuth by taxiing and overflying aircraft is analyzed. The remainder of the report focuses on multipath performance factors specific to various individual techniques. These include: (1) the effects of angle data outlier tests and filtering in the TRSB receivers, (2) the effects on the DMLS system due to receiver AGC, receiver motion-induced Doppler shifts, and the use of commutated reference systems, and (3) acquisition/validation algorithms for all three techniques. The report concludes with a summary and suggestions for future work. Part I of this volume consists of Chapters I through IV; Part II contains Chapters V through VIII and the Appendices.


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...


MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3, Volume II: Development and Validation of Model for MLS Techniques

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-88,II


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new approach and landing guidance system. This second volume of the report presents the mathematical models and validation data for the MLS techniques which were assessed in detail by the All Weather Operations Panel of the Interational Civil Aviation Organization. The specific techniques modeled are: 1. The Time Reference Scanning Beam (TRSB) system proposed by the United States (US) and Australia, with prime emphasis on the US equipment implementation and field test data, 2. the Doppler scan (DMLS) proposed by the United Kingdom, and 3. the DME Based Landing System (DLS) proposed by the Federal Republic of Germany.


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...


MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3, Volume I: Overview and Propagation Model Validation/Refinement Studies

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-88,I


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new approach and landing guidance system. This first volume of the report presents an overview of the overall simulation results as well as a description of the refined mathematical models and validation of the propagation portion of the simulation. Specific propagation topics include: 1) preliminary results for validation of models for reflections from rough and/or rising terrain based on L-band field data. 2) validation of the models for building reflections based on field measurements at a number of operational airports. 3) validation and refinement of the models for angle guidance system shadowing by obstacles such as buildings and other objects.


This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...


MLS multipath studies volume II: application of multipath model to key MLS performance issues

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-63,II


This report summarizes MLS multipath work carried out at Lincoln Laboratory from March 1974 to Sept. 30, 1975. The focus of the program is the development of realistic models for 1) the multipath in representative real world environments and 2) the multipath characteristic of candidate MLS techniques. These multipath and system models are used in a comprehensive computer simulation to predict the strengths and weaknesses of major MLS systems when subjected to representative real world environments. The report is organized into two volumes. Volume I describes the algorithms and validation of various portions of the program. In Volume II, the simulation (or selected portions thereof) is applied to key multipath related MLS issues. Mathematical models are given for the major MLS multipath sources (ground reflections, building and aircraft reflections, and shadowing by objects and humped runways), and it is shown that they agree (Doppler and scanning beam) considered in phase II of the U.S. MLS program are presented together with validation by comparison with theory and bench tests. Also presented are the results of a general study in motion averaging. The (validated) computer simulation (and portions thereof) is then applied to studying 1) the critical areas required by the TRSB system to avoid excessive reflection effects, 2) the expected TRSB performance of a specific TRSB system at Friendship International Airport (MD).


This report summarizes MLS multipath work carried out at Lincoln Laboratory from March 1974 to Sept. 30, 1975. The focus of the program is the development of realistic models for 1) the multipath in representative real world environments and 2) the multipath characteristic of candidate MLS techniques. These multipath and...


MLS multipath studies volume I: mathematical models and validation

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-63,I


This report summarizes MLS multipath work carried out at Lincoln Laboratory from March 1974 to Sept. 30, 1975. The focus of the program is the development of realistic models for 1) the multipath in representative real world environments and 2) the multipath characteristic of candidate MLS techniques. These multipath and system models are used in a comprehensive computer simulation to predict the strengths and weaknesses of major MLS systems when subjected to representative real world environments. The report is organized into two volumes. Volume I describes the algorithms and validation of various portions of the program. In Volume II, the simulation (or selected portions thereof) is applied to key multipath related MLS issues. Mathematical models are given for the major MLS multipath sources (ground reflections, building and aircraft reflections, and shadowing by objects and humped runways), and it is shown that they agree (Doppler and scanning beam) considered in phase II of the U.S. MLS program are presented together with validation by comparison with theory and bench tests. Also presented are the results of a general study in motion averaging. The (validated) computer simulation (and portions thereof) is then applied to studying 1) the critical areas required by the TRSB system to avoid excessive reflection effects, 2) the expected TRSB performance of a specific TRSB system at Friendship International Airport (MD).


This report summarizes MLS multipath work carried out at Lincoln Laboratory from March 1974 to Sept. 30, 1975. The focus of the program is the development of realistic models for 1) the multipath in representative real world environments and 2) the multipath characteristic of candidate MLS techniques. These multipath and...


Airport survey for MLS multipath issues

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-58


Eight major U.S. civilian airports were visited and data on the surface material of all sizable buildings visible from the runways were obtained. This information is catalogued herein. It is only with the aid of such information that we can address issues such as the likelihood of a system performance changes due to polarization, pattern control and coverage control. A total of 93 buildings and 123 surfaces are included and the breakdown between the various surfaces is as follows: 74 surfaces were corrugated 17 surfaces were cinder block 16 surfaces were brick 9 surfaces were concrete 5 surfaces were metal. Of the 74 corrugated surfaces 18 were of the "flat" variety, 34 were one of five sub-categories and the remaining 22 needed 15 sub-categories for classification.


Eight major U.S. civilian airports were visited and data on the surface material of all sizable buildings visible from the runways were obtained. This information is catalogued herein. It is only with the aid of such information that we can address issues such as the likelihood of a system performance...


Logan MLS multipath experiment

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-55


The National Plan for a Microwave Landing System (MLS) has specified a carrier frequency for the system in the vicinity of 5.1 GHz. At that frequency, no multipath data taken at a major civilian airport existed. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain such data at Logan International Airport in order to ascertain: 1) which objects are the major causes of measurable multipath reflections and their levels relative to the direct signal (MID level), 2) whether or not the reflections from these objects can be satisfactorily simulated by the Lincoln computer model and, if so, how complicated must that model be, and 3) if the characteristics of multipath provide a significant discriminant between the Doppler and scanning beam techniques. It was found in the experiment that regions where reflections were noted could be predicted from ray optics and diffraction. No measurable reflections were noted elsewhere. For the purpose of modeling for multipath, building surfaces could be characterized as a flat plate with a reflection coefficient determined by measurement if it were a complicated surface, or by the dielectric properties of the surface material, if a simple surface. The airplane reflection model was also found to agree well with measurements.


The National Plan for a Microwave Landing System (MLS) has specified a carrier frequency for the system in the vicinity of 5.1 GHz. At that frequency, no multipath data taken at a major civilian airport existed. The purpose of this experiment was to obtain such data at Logan International Airport...


The effect of phase error on the DPSK receiver performance

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-32


Several methods of realizing a DPSK receiver use a delay line. Temperature variations cause changes in the delay which, in turn, cause errors in the phase differences between the reference and information signals. The effect of these errors on the performance of an optimum DPSK receiver is studied in this report.


Several methods of realizing a DPSK receiver use a delay line. Temperature variations cause changes in the delay which, in turn, cause errors in the phase differences between the reference and information signals. The effect of these errors on the performance of an optimum DPSK receiver is studied in this...


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