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Improving weather radar data quality for aviation weather needs

Published in:
13th Conf. on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, ARAM, 20-24 January 2008.


A fundamental function of any aviation weather system is to provide accurate and timely weather information tailored to the specific air traffic situations for which a system is designed. Weather location and intensity are of prime importance to such systems. Knowledge of the weather provides "nowcasting" functionality in the terminal and en route air spaces. It also is used as input into aviation weather forecasting applications for purposes such as storm tracking, storm growth and decay trends, and convective initiation. Weather radar products are the primary source of the weather location and intensity information used by the aviation weather systems. In the United States, the primary radar sources are the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and the Weather Surveillance Radar 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D, known as NEXRAD). Additional weather radar products from the Canadian network are used by some of the aviation weather systems. Product quality from all these radars directly impacts the quality of the down stream products created by the aviation weather systems and their utility to air traffic controllers. Four FAA weather systems use some combination of products from the aforementioned radars. They are the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS), the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS), the Weather and Radar Processor (WARP), and the Medium Intensity Airport Weather System (MIAWS). This paper focuses on the improvement of weather radar data quality specific to CIWS. The other mentioned FAA aviation weather systems also benefit either directly or indirectly from the improvements noted in this paper. For CIWS, the legacy data quality practices involve two steps. Step one is the creation of weather radar products of highest possible fidelity. The second step involves creating a mosaic from these products. The mosaic creation process takes advantage of inter-radar product comparisons to interject a further level of improved data quality. The new CIWS data quality plan will use a mounting evidence data quality classifier technique currently being developed. The technique applies a multi-tiered approach to weather radar data quality. Its premise is that no single data quality improvement technique is as effective as a collaboration of many. The evidence will be expanded to include data and products from the radars along with data from additional sensing platforms. The mosaic creation process will correspondingly expand to take advantage of the additional evidence. Section 2 covers data quality of products from the single radar perspective. Section 3 focuses on the use of satellite data as the first additional sensing platform to augment removal of problematic radar contamination. Section 4 describes the data quality procedures associated with creation of mosaics from the single radar products augmented with new satellite masking information. Last, Section 5 discusses future plans for the mounting evidence data quality improvement technique.


A fundamental function of any aviation weather system is to provide accurate and timely weather information tailored to the specific air traffic situations for which a system is designed. Weather location and intensity are of prime importance to such systems. Knowledge of the weather provides "nowcasting" functionality in the terminal...


SFO marine stratus forecast system documentation


San Francisco International Airport (SFO) experiences frequent low ceiling conditions during the summer season due to marine stratus clouds. Stratus in the approach zone prevents dual approaches to the airport??s closely spaced parallel runways, effectively reducing arrival capacity by half. The stratus typically behaves on a daily cycle, with dissipation occurring during the hours following sunrise. Often the low ceiling conditions persist throughout the morning hours and interfere with the high rate of air traffic scheduled into SFO from mid-morning to early afternoon. Air traffic managers require accurate forecasts of clearing time to efficiently administer Ground Delay Programs (GDPs) to match the rate of arriving aircraft with expected capacity. The San Francisco Marine Stratus Forecast System was developed as a tool for anticipating the time of stratus clearing. The system relies on field-deployed sensors as well as routinely available regional surface observations and satellite data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-West). Data are collected, processed, and input to a suite of forecast models to predict the time that the approach zone will be sufficiently clear to perform dual approaches. Data observations and model forecasts are delivered to users on an interactive display accessible via the Internet. The system prototype was developed under the sponsorship of the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP). MIT Lincoln Laboratory served as technical lead for the project, in collaboration with San Jose State University, the University of Quebec at Montreal, and the Center Weather Service Unit (CWSU) at the Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). The National Weather Service (NWS), under the direction of the NWS Forecast Office in Monterey, assumed responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system following technical transfer in 2004. This document was compiled as a resource to support continuing system operation and maintenance.


San Francisco International Airport (SFO) experiences frequent low ceiling conditions during the summer season due to marine stratus clouds. Stratus in the approach zone prevents dual approaches to the airport??s closely spaced parallel runways, effectively reducing arrival capacity by half. The stratus typically behaves on a daily cycle, with dissipation...


Upgrade and technology transfer of the San Francisco Marine Stratus Forecast system to the National Weather Service

Published in:
86th AMS Annual Mtg., 1st Symp. on Policy Research, January 2006.


The local airspace surrounding the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is prone to regular occurrences of low ceiling conditions from May through October due to the intrusion of marine stratus along the Pacific coast. The low cloud conditions prohibit dual parallel landings of aircraft to the airport's closely spaced parallel runways, thus effectively reducing the arrival capacity by a factor of two. The behavior of marine stratus evolves on a daily cycle, filling the San Francisco Bay region overnight, and dissipating during the morning. Often the low ceiling conditions persist throughout the morning hours and interfere with the high rate of air traffic scheduled into SFO from mid-morning to early afternoon. The result is a substantial number of delayed flights into the airport and a negative impact on the National Air Space (NAS). Air traffic managers face a continual challenge of anticipating available operating capacity so that the demand of incoming planes can be metered to match the availability of arrival slots.


The local airspace surrounding the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is prone to regular occurrences of low ceiling conditions from May through October due to the intrusion of marine stratus along the Pacific coast. The low cloud conditions prohibit dual parallel landings of aircraft to the airport's closely spaced parallel...


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