Covariance estimation in terms of Stokes parameters with application to vector sensor imaging
Vector sensor imaging presents a challenging problem in covariance estimation when allowing arbitrarily polarized sources. We propose a Stokes parameter representation of the source covariance matrix which is both qualitatively and computationally convenient. Using this formulation, we adapt the proximal gradient and expectation maximization (EM) algorithms and apply them in...
HF vector sensor for radio astronomy: ground testing results
The radio sky below ~10 MHz is largely unexplored due to the inability of ground-based telescopes to observe near or below the ionospheric plasma frequency, or cut-off frequency. A space-based interferometric array is required to probe the portion of the electromagnetic (E-M) spectrum below 10 MHz with sufficient angular resolution...
Vector antenna and maximum likelihood imaging for radio astronomy
Radio astronomy using frequencies less than ~100 MHz provides a window into non-thermal processes in objects ranging from planets to galaxies. Observations in this frequency range are also used to map the very early history of star and galaxy formation in the universe. Much effort in recent years has been...
MIMO radar theory and experimental results
The continuing progress of Moore's law has enabled the development of radar systems that simultaneously transmit and receive multiple coded waveforms from multiple phase centers and to process them in ways that have been unavailable in the past. The signals available for processing from these Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar systems...
Wideband aperture coherence processing for next generation radar (NexGen)
This report develops robust signal processing architectures and algorithms specifically designed to achieve multi-aperture coherence on transmit and receive. A key feature of our approach is the use of orthogonal radar waveforms that allow the monostatic and bistatic target returns to be separated at each receiver's matched filter output. By...