Demonstration of GPS Automatic Dependent Surveillance of aircraft using spontaneous Mode S broadcast messages
A new Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) system concept combining GPS-based positions with Mode S data communications is described. Several potential applications of this concept are presented with emphasis on surface surveillance at airports. The navigation and data link performance are analyzed. Compact ADS position formats are included. The results of...
Aircraft surveillance based on GPS position broadcasts from mode S beacon transponders
Flight testing of a new air surveillance concept, GPS-Squitter, is reported. It integrates GPS receivers with the existing secondary surveillance radar beacon equipment carried by most aircraft. Simple, inexpensive, non-scanning ground stations listen for GPS position reports broadcast by the Mode S beacon transponders on the aircraft and send them...
Demonstration of GPS automatic dependent surveillance of aircraft using spontaneous Mode S beacon reports
A new Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) system concept combining GPS satellite navigation with Mode S data communications is described. Several potential applications of this concept are presented with emphasis on surface surveillance at airports. The navigation and data link performance are analyzed. Compact ADS position formats are included. The results...
SGS85--WGS84 transformation - interim results
GPS and GLONASS employ different geocentric Cartesian coordinate frames to express the positions of their satellites and, therefore, of their users. GPS uses WGS84; GLONASS, SGS85. Interest in the civil aviation community in using signals from both systems requires that a transformation between the two coordinate frames be determined. We...
GLONASS performance in 1992: a review
Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory reviewed GLONASS developments during 1992, focusing on the requirements of civil aviation and the issues related to position estimation. The results show that the overall performance remains substantially the same as observed in 1991.
Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) of GPS and GLONASS
A receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithm is proposed, and used to analyze the integrity monitoring capabilities of potential sole-means (or stand-alone) systems based on integrated use of GPS and GLONASS, GPS supplemented with a geostationary overlay, and enhanced GPS constellations. As in the other RAIM algorithms, the idea is...
Integrated use of GPS and GLONASS in civil aviation navigation I: coverage and data models
Pursuant to a bilateral agreement signed in 1988, both US and USSR are currently in the process of examining integrated use of GPS and GLONASS for sole-means civil aviation navigation. This paper presents results from the initial phase of a program underway at MIT Lincoln Laboratory to support this effort...