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Building digital twins for cardiovascular health: From principles to clinical impact


The past several decades have seen rapid advances in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke, enabled by technological breakthroughs in imaging, genomics, and physiological monitoring, coupled with therapeutic interventions. We now face the challenge of how to (1) rapidly process large, complex multimodal and multiscale medical measurements; (2) map all available data streams to the trajectories of disease states over the patient's lifetime; and (3) apply this information for optimal clinical interventions and outcomes. Here we review new advances that may address these challenges using digital twin technology to fulfill the promise of personalized cardiovascular medical practice. Rooted in engineering mechanics and manufacturing, the digital twin is a virtual representation engineered to model and simulate its physical counterpart. Recent breakthroughs in scientific computation, artificial intelligence, and sensor technology have enabled rapid bidirectional interactions between the virtual-physical counterparts with measurements of the physical twin that inform and improve its virtual twin, which in turn provide updated virtual projections of disease trajectories and anticipated clinical outcomes. Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification builds confidence and trust by clinicians and patients in the digital twin and establishes boundaries for the use of simulations in cardiovascular medicine. Mechanistic physiological models form the fundamental building blocks of the personalized digital twin that continuously forecast optimal management of cardiovascular health using individualized data streams. We present exemplars from the existing body of literature pertaining to mechanistic model development for cardiovascular dynamics and summarize existing technical challenges and opportunities pertaining to the foundation of a digital twin.


The past several decades have seen rapid advances in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke, enabled by technological breakthroughs in imaging, genomics, and physiological monitoring, coupled with therapeutic interventions. We now face the challenge of how to (1) rapidly process large, complex multimodal and multiscale medical measurements; (2)...


An emotion-driven vocal biomarker-based PTSD screening tool


This paper introduces an automated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening tool that could potentially be used as a self-assessment or inserted into routine medical visits for PTSD diagnosis and treatment. Methods: With an emotion estimation algorithm providing arousal (excited to calm) and valence (pleasure to displeasure) levels through discourse, we select regions of the acoustic signal that are most salient for PTSD detection. Our algorithm was tested on a subset of data from the DVBIC-TBICoE TBI Study, which contains PTSD Check List Civilian (PCL-C) assessment scores. Results: Speech from low-arousal and positive-valence regions provide the best discrimination for PTSD. Our model achieved an AUC (area under the curve) equal to 0.80 in detecting PCL-C ratings, outperforming models with no emotion filtering (AUC = 0.68). Conclusions: This result suggests that emotion drives the selection of the most salient temporal regions of an audio recording for PTSD detection.


This paper introduces an automated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening tool that could potentially be used as a self-assessment or inserted into routine medical visits for PTSD diagnosis and treatment. Methods: With an emotion estimation algorithm providing arousal (excited to calm) and valence (pleasure to displeasure) levels through discourse, we...


Wearable technology in extreme environments

Published in:
Chapter 2 in: Cibis, T., McGregor AM, C. (eds) Engineering and Medicine in Extreme Environments. Springer, Cham.


Humans need to work in many types of extreme environments where there is a need to stay safe and even to improve performance. Examples include: medical providers treating infectious disease, people responding to other biological or chemical hazards, firefighters, astronauts, pilots, divers, and people working outdoors in extreme hot or cold temperatures. Wearable technology is ubiquitous in the consumer market but is still needed for extreme environments. For these applications, it is particularly challenging to meet requirements to be actionable, accurate, acceptable, integratable, and affordable. To provide insight into these needs and possible solutions and the technology trade-offs involved, several examples are provided. A physiological monitoring example is described for predicting and avoiding heat injury. A cognitive monitoring example is described for estimating cognitive workload, with broader applicability to a variety of conditions, such as cognitive fatigue and depression. Finally, eye tracking is considered as a promising wearable sensing modality with applications for both physiological and cognitive monitoring. Concluding thoughts are offered on the compelling need for wearable technology in the face of pandemics, wildfires, and climate change, but also for global projects that can uplift mankind, such as long-duration spaceflight and missions to Mars.


Humans need to work in many types of extreme environments where there is a need to stay safe and even to improve performance. Examples include: medical providers treating infectious disease, people responding to other biological or chemical hazards, firefighters, astronauts, pilots, divers, and people working outdoors in extreme hot or...


Sensorimotor conflict tests in an immersive virtual environment reveal subclinical impairments in mild traumatic brain injury


Current clinical tests lack the sensitivity needed for detecting subtle balance impairments associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Patient-reported symptoms can be significant and have a huge impact on daily life, but impairments may remain undetected or poorly quantified using clinical measures. Our central hypothesis was that provocative sensorimotor perturbations, delivered in a highly instrumented, immersive virtual environment, would challenge sensory subsystems recruited for balance through conflicting multi-sensory evidence, and therefore reveal that not all subsystems are performing optimally. The results show that, as compared to standard clinical tests, the provocative perturbations illuminate balance impairments in subjects who have had mild traumatic brain injuries. Perturbations delivered while subjects were walking provided greater discriminability (average accuracy ≈ 0.90) than those delivered during standing (average accuracy ≈ 0.65) between mTBI subjects and healthy controls. Of the categories of features extracted to characterize balance, the lower limb accelerometry-based metrics proved to be most informative. Further, in response to perturbations, subjects with an mTBI utilized hip strategies more than ankle strategies to prevent loss of balance and also showed less variability in gait patterns. We have shown that sensorimotor conflicts illuminate otherwise-hidden balance impairments, which can be used to increase the sensitivity of current clinical procedures. This augmentation is vital in order to robustly detect the presence of balance impairments after mTBI and potentially define a phenotype of balance dysfunction that enhances risk of injury.


Current clinical tests lack the sensitivity needed for detecting subtle balance impairments associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Patient-reported symptoms can be significant and have a huge impact on daily life, but impairments may remain undetected or poorly quantified using clinical measures. Our central hypothesis was that provocative sensorimotor...


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