Multimodal physiological monitoring during virtual reality piloting tasks
This dataset includes multimodal physiologic, flight performance, and user interaction data streams, collected as participants performed virtual flight tasks of varying difficulty. In virtual reality, individuals flew an "Instrument Landing System" (ILS) protocol, in which they had to land an aircraft mostly relying on the cockpit instrument readings. Participants were...
Axon tracing and centerline detection using topologically-aware 3D U-nets
As advances in microscopy imaging provide an ever clearer window into the human brain, accurate reconstruction of neural connectivity can yield valuable insight into the relationship between brain structure and function. However, human manual tracing is a slow and laborious task, and requires domain expertise. Automated methods are thus needed...
AI-enabled, ultrasound-guided handheld robotic device for femoral vascular access
Hemorrhage is a leading cause of trauma death, particularly in prehospital environments when evacuation is delayed. Obtaining central vascular access to a deep artery or vein is important for administration of emergency drugs and analgesics, and rapid replacement of blood volume, as well as invasive sensing and emerging life-saving interventions...
Ultrasound and artificial intelligence
Compared to other major medical imaging modalities such as X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging, medical ultrasound (US) has unique attributes that make it the preferred modality for many clinical applications. In particular, US is nonionizing, portable, and provides real-time imaging, with adequate spatial and depth resolution to...
Image processing pipeline for liver fibrosis classification using ultrasound shear wave elastography
The purpose of this study was to develop an automated method for classifying liver fibrosis stage >=F2 based on ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) and to assess the system's performance in comparison with a reference manual approach. The reference approach consists of manually selecting a region of interest from each...
Predicting cognitive load and operational performance in a simulated marksmanship task
Modern operational environments can place significant demands on a service member's cognitive resources, increasing the risk of errors or mishaps due to overburden. The ability to monitor cognitive burden and associated performance within operational environments is critical to improving mission readiness. As a key step toward a field-ready system, we...
Detecting intracranial hemorrhage with deep learning
Initial results are reported on automated detection of intracranial hemorrhage from CT, which would be valuable in a computer-aided diagnosis system to help the radiologist detect subtle hemorrhages. Previous work has taken a classic approach involving multiple steps of alignment, image processing, image corrections, handcrafted feature extraction, and classification. Our...
Machine learning for medical ultrasound: status, methods, and future opportunities
Ultrasound (US) imaging is the most commonly performed cross-sectional diagnostic imaging modality in the practice of medicine. It is low-cost, non-ionizing, portable, and capable of real-time image acquisition and display. US is a rapidly evolving technology with significant challenges and opportunities. Challenges include high inter- and intra-operator variability and limited...
A cloud-based brain connectivity analysis tool
With advances in high throughput brain imaging at the cellular and sub-cellular level, there is growing demand for platforms that can support high performance, large-scale brain data processing and analysis. In this paper, we present a novel pipeline that combines Accumulo, D4M, geohashing, and parallel programming to manage large-scale neuron...
Benchmarking SciDB data import on HPC systems
SciDB is a scalable, computational database management system that uses an array model for data storage. The array data model of SciDB makes it ideally suited for storing and managing large amounts of imaging data. SciDB is designed to support advanced analytics in database, thus reducing the need for extracting...