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Microbubble contrast agents improve detection of active hemorrhage

Published in:
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, doi: 10.1109/OJEMB.2024.3414974


Assessment of trauma-induced hemorrhage with ultrasound is particularly challenging outside of the clinic, where its detection is crucial. The current clinical standard for hematoma detection – the focused assessment with sonography of trauma (FAST) exam – does not aim to detect ongoing blood loss, and thus is unable to detect injuries of increasing severity. To enhance detection of active bleeding, we propose the use of ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs), together with a novel flow phantom and contrast-sensitive processing techniques, to facilitate efficient, practical characterization of internal bleeding. Within a the custom phantom, UCAs and processing techniques enabled a significant enhancement of the hemorrhage visualization (mean increase in generalized contrast-to-noise ratio of 17 %) compared to the contrast-free case over a range of flow rates up to 40 ml/min. Moreover, we have shown that the use of UCAs improves the probability of detection: the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for a flow rate of 40 ml/min was 0.99, compared to 0.72 without contrast. We also demonstrate how additional processing of the spatial and temporal information further localizes the bleeding site. UCAs also enhanced Doppler signals over the non-contrast case. These results show that specialized nonlinear processing (NLP) pipelines together with UCAs may offer an efficient means to improve substantially the detection of slower hemorrhages and increase survival rates for trauma-induced injury in pre-hospital settings.


Assessment of trauma-induced hemorrhage with ultrasound is particularly challenging outside of the clinic, where its detection is crucial. The current clinical standard for hematoma detection – the focused assessment with sonography of trauma (FAST) exam – does not aim to detect ongoing blood loss, and thus is unable to detect...


Individualized ultrasound-guided intervention phantom development, fabrication, and proof of concept

Published in:
45th Annual Intl. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 24-27 July 2023.


Commercial ultrasound vascular phantoms lack the anatomic diversity required for robust pre-clinical interventional device testing. We fabricated individualized phantoms to test an artificial intelligence enabled ultrasound-guided surgical robotic system (AI-GUIDE) which allows novices to cannulate deep vessels. After segmenting vessels on computed tomography scans, vessel cores, bony anatomy, and a mold tailored to the skin contour were 3D-printed. Vessel cores were coated in silicone, surrounded in tissue-mimicking gel tailored for ultrasound and needle insertion, and dissolved with water. One upper arm and four inguinal phantoms were constructed. Operators used AI-GUIDE to deploy needles into phantom vessels. Two groin phantoms were tested due to imaging artifacts in the other two phantoms. Six operators (medical experience: none, 3; 1-5 years, 2; 5+ years, 1) inserted 27 inguinal needles with 81% (22/27) success in a median of 48 seconds. Seven operators performed 24 arm injections, without tuning the AI for arm anatomy, with 71% (17/24) success. After excluding failures due to motor malfunction and a defective needle, success rate was 100% (22/22) in the groin and 85% (17/20) in the arm. Individualized 3D-printed phantoms permit testing of surgical robotics across a large number of operators and different anatomic sites. AI-GUIDE operators rapidly and reliably inserted a needle into target vessels in the upper arm and groin, even without prior medical training. Virtual device trials in individualized 3-D printed phantoms may improve rigor of results and expedite translation.


Commercial ultrasound vascular phantoms lack the anatomic diversity required for robust pre-clinical interventional device testing. We fabricated individualized phantoms to test an artificial intelligence enabled ultrasound-guided surgical robotic system (AI-GUIDE) which allows novices to cannulate deep vessels. After segmenting vessels on computed tomography scans, vessel cores, bony anatomy, and a...


Development of 3D-Printed Individualized Vascular Phantoms for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Interventional Device Testing


We developed vascular phantoms mapped from human subjects to test AI-enabled ultrasound-guided vascular cannulation. Translational device prototyping necessitates anatomically accurate models. Commercial phantoms fail to address anatomic variability. Uniformity leads to optimistic AI model and operator performance. Individualized 3D-printed vascular phantoms yield anatomically correct models optimized for AI-device testing.


We developed vascular phantoms mapped from human subjects to test AI-enabled ultrasound-guided vascular cannulation. Translational device prototyping necessitates anatomically accurate models. Commercial phantoms fail to address anatomic variability. Uniformity leads to optimistic AI model and operator performance. Individualized 3D-printed vascular phantoms yield anatomically correct models optimized for AI-device testing.


Contrast-enhanced ultrasound to detect active bleeding

Published in:
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 152, A280 (2022)


Non-compressible internal hemorrhage (NCIH) is the most common cause of death in acute non-penetrating trauma. NCIH management requires accurate hematoma localization and evaluation for ongoing bleeding for risk stratification. The current standard point-of-care diagnostic tool, the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), detects free fluid in body cavities with conventional B-mode imaging. The FAST does not assess whether bleeding is ongoing, at which location(s), and to what extent. Here, we propose contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) techniques to better identify, localize, and quantify hemorrhage. We designed and fabricated a custom hemorrhage-mimicking phantom, comprising a perforated vessel and cavity to simulate active bleeding. Lumason contrast agents (UCAs) were introduced at clinically relevant concentrations (3.5×108 bubbles/ml). Conventional and contrast pulse sequence images were captured, and post-processed with bubble localization techniques (SVD clutter filter and bubble localization). The results showed contrast pulse sequences enabled a 2.2-fold increase in the number of microbubbles detected compared with conventional CEUS imaging, over a range of flow rates, concentrations, and localization processing parameters. Additionally, particle velocimetry enabled mapping of dynamic flow within the simulated bleeding site. Our findings indicate that CEUS combined with advanced image processing may enhance visualization of hemodynamics and improve non-invasive, real-time detection of active bleeding.


Non-compressible internal hemorrhage (NCIH) is the most common cause of death in acute non-penetrating trauma. NCIH management requires accurate hematoma localization and evaluation for ongoing bleeding for risk stratification. The current standard point-of-care diagnostic tool, the focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST), detects free fluid in body cavities with...


AI-enabled, ultrasound-guided handheld robotic device for femoral vascular access


Hemorrhage is a leading cause of trauma death, particularly in prehospital environments when evacuation is delayed. Obtaining central vascular access to a deep artery or vein is important for administration of emergency drugs and analgesics, and rapid replacement of blood volume, as well as invasive sensing and emerging life-saving interventions. However, central access is normally performed by highly experienced critical care physicians in a hospital setting. We developed a handheld AI-enabled interventional device, AI-GUIDE (Artificial Intelligence Guided Ultrasound Interventional Device), capable of directing users with no ultrasound or interventional expertise to catheterize a deep blood vessel, with an initial focus on the femoral vein. AI-GUIDE integrates with widely available commercial portable ultrasound systems and guides a user in ultrasound probe localization, venous puncture-point localization, and needle insertion. The system performs vascular puncture robotically and incorporates a preloaded guidewire to facilitate the Seldinger technique of catheter insertion. Results from tissue-mimicking phantom and porcine studies under normotensive and hypotensive conditions provide evidence of the technique's robustness, with key performance metrics in a live porcine model including: a mean time to acquire femoral vein insertion point of 53 plus or minus 36 s (5 users with varying experience, in 20 trials), a total time to insert catheter of 80 plus or minus 30 s (1 user, in 6 trials), and a mean number of 1.1 (normotensive, 39 trials) and 1.3 (hypotensive, 55 trials) needle insertion attempts (1 user). These performance metrics in a porcine model are consistent with those for experienced medical providers performing central vascular access on humans in a hospital.


Hemorrhage is a leading cause of trauma death, particularly in prehospital environments when evacuation is delayed. Obtaining central vascular access to a deep artery or vein is important for administration of emergency drugs and analgesics, and rapid replacement of blood volume, as well as invasive sensing and emerging life-saving interventions...


Ultrasound and artificial intelligence

Published in:
Chapter 8 in Machine Learning in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2020, pp. 177-210.


Compared to other major medical imaging modalities such as X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging, medical ultrasound (US) has unique attributes that make it the preferred modality for many clinical applications. In particular, US is nonionizing, portable, and provides real-time imaging, with adequate spatial and depth resolution to visualize tissue dynamics. The ability to measure Doppler information is also important, particularly for measuring blood flows. The small size of US transducers is a key attribute for intravascular applications. In addition, accessibility has been increased with the use of portable US, which continues to move toward a smaller footprint and lower cost. Nowadays, some US probes can even be directly connected to a phone or tablet. On the other hand, US also has unique challenges, particularly in that image quality is highly dependent on the operator’s skill in acquiring images based on the proper position, orientation, and probe pressure. Additional challenges that further require operator skill include the presence of noise, artifacts, limited field of view, difficulty in imaging structures behind bone and air, and device variability across manufacturers. Sonographers become highly proficient through extensive training and long experience, but high intra- and interobserver variability remains. This skill dependence has limited the wider use of US by healthcare providers who are not US imaging specialists. Recent advances in machine learning (ML) have been increasingly applied to medical US (Brattain, Telfer, Dhyani, Grajo, & Samir, 2018), with a goal of reducing intra- and interobserver variability as well as interpretation time. As progress toward these goals is made, US use by nonspecialists is expected to proliferate, including nurses at the bedside or medics in the field. The acceleration in ML applications for medical US can be seen from the increasing number of publications (Fig. 8.1) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals (Table 8.1) in the past few years. Fig. 8.1 shows that cardiovascular applications (spanning the heart, brain and vessels) have received the most attention, compared to other organs. Table 8.1 shows that pace of US FDA-cleared artificial intelligence (AI) products that combine AI and ultrasound is accelerating. Of note, many of the products have been approved over the last couple of years. Companies such as Butterfly Network (Guilford, CT) have also demonstrated AI-driven applications for portable ultrasound and more FDA clearances are expected to be published. The goals of this chapter are to highlight the recent progress, as well as the current challenges and future opportunities. Specifically, this chapter addresses topics such as the following: (1) what is the current state of machine learning for medical US application, both in research and commercially; (2) what applications are receiving the most attention and have performance improvements been quantified; (3) how do ML solutions fit in an overall workflow; and (4) what open-source datasets are available for the broader community to contribute to progress in this field. The focus is on cardiovascular applications (Section Cardiovascular/echocardiography), but common themes and differences for other applications for medical US are also summarized (Section Breast, liver, and thyroid ultrasound). A discussion is offered in Discussion and outlook section.


Compared to other major medical imaging modalities such as X-ray, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging, medical ultrasound (US) has unique attributes that make it the preferred modality for many clinical applications. In particular, US is nonionizing, portable, and provides real-time imaging, with adequate spatial and depth resolution to...


Image processing pipeline for liver fibrosis classification using ultrasound shear wave elastography

Published in:
Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 46, No. 10, October 2020, pp. 2667-2676.


The purpose of this study was to develop an automated method for classifying liver fibrosis stage >=F2 based on ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) and to assess the system's performance in comparison with a reference manual approach. The reference approach consists of manually selecting a region of interest from each of eight or more SWE images, computing the mean tissue stiffness within each of the regions of interest and computing a resulting stiffness value as the median of the means. The 527-subject database consisted of 5526 SWE images and pathologist-scored biopsies, with data collected from a single system at a single site. The automated method integrates three modules that assess SWE image quality, select a region of interest from each SWE measurement and perform machine learning-based, multi-image SWE classification for fibrosis stage >=F2. Several classification methods were developed and tested using fivefold cross-validation with training, validation and test sets partitioned by subject. Performance metrics were area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC), specificity at 95% sensitivity and number of SWE images required. The final automated method yielded an AUROC of 0.93 (95% confidence interval: 0.90-0.94) versus 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.65-0.72) for the reference method, 71% specificity with 95% sensitivity versus 5% and four images per decision versus eight or more. In conclusion, the automated method reported in this study significantly improved the accuracy for >=F2 classification of SWE measurements as well as reduced the number of measurements needed, which has the potential to reduce clinical workflow.


The purpose of this study was to develop an automated method for classifying liver fibrosis stage >=F2 based on ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) and to assess the system's performance in comparison with a reference manual approach. The reference approach consists of manually selecting a region of interest from each...


Machine learning for medical ultrasound: status, methods, and future opportunities

Published in:
Abdom. Radiol., 2018, doi: 10.1007/s00261-018-1517-0.


Ultrasound (US) imaging is the most commonly performed cross-sectional diagnostic imaging modality in the practice of medicine. It is low-cost, non-ionizing, portable, and capable of real-time image acquisition and display. US is a rapidly evolving technology with significant challenges and opportunities. Challenges include high inter- and intra-operator variability and limited image quality control. Tremendous opportunities have arisen in the last decade as a result of exponential growth in available computational power coupled with progressive miniaturization of US devices. As US devices become smaller, enhanced computational capability can contribute significantly to decreasing variability through advanced image processing. In this paper, we review leading machine learning (ML) approaches and research directions in US, with an emphasis on recent ML advances. We also present our outlook on future opportunities for ML techniques to further improve clinical workflow and US-based disease diagnosis and characterization.


Ultrasound (US) imaging is the most commonly performed cross-sectional diagnostic imaging modality in the practice of medicine. It is low-cost, non-ionizing, portable, and capable of real-time image acquisition and display. US is a rapidly evolving technology with significant challenges and opportunities. Challenges include high inter- and intra-operator variability and limited...


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