Operation of an optical atomic clock with a Brillouin laser subsystem
Microwave atomic clocks have traditionally served as the 'gold standard' for precision measurements of time and frequency. However, over the past decade, optical atomic clocks have surpassed the precision of their microwave counterparts by two orders of magnitude or more. Extant optical clocks occupy volumes of more than one cubic...
Broadband magnetometry and temperature sensing with a light-trapping diamond waveguide
Solid-state quantum sensors are attracting wide interest because of their sensitivity at room temperature. In particular, the spin properties of individual nitrogen-vacancy (NV) colour centres in diamond make them outstanding nanoscale sensors of magnetic fields, electric fields and temperature under ambient conditions. Recent work on NV ensemble-based magnetometers, inertial sensors...
Increasing the coherence time in a magnetically-sensitive stimulated Raman transition in 85Rb
We experimentally study the Ramsey, spin echo, and CPMG pulse sequences of a magnetically sensitive transition of a cold 85Rb gas. We can increase the coherence time by up to a factor of 10 by using CPMG pulse sequences as compared to Ramsey or spin echo.
A frequency selective atom interferometer magnetometer
In this article, we discuss the magnetic-field frequency selectivity of a time-domain interferometer based on the number and timing of intermediate pi pulses. We theoretically show that by adjusting the number of pi pulses and the pi-pulse timing, we can control the frequency selectivity of the interferometer to time varying...
A tunable AC atom interferometer magnetometer
We demonstrate an atom interferometer designed to measure magnetic fields and field gradients. Here, we study various pulse sequences and show how they can be manipulated to filter unwanted frequencies and to enhance desired frequencies.
Driven dynamics and rotary echo of a qubit tunably coupled to a harmonic oscillator
We have investigated the driven dynamics of a superconducting flux qubit that is tunably coupled to a microwave resonator. We find that the qubit experiences an oscillating field mediated by off-resonant driving of the resonator, leading to strong modifications of the qubit Rabi frequency. This opens an additional noise channel...