Artificial intelligence: short history, present developments, and future outlook, final report
The Director's Office at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) requested a comprehensive study on artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on present applications and future science and technology (S&T) opportunities in the Cyber Security and Information Sciences Division (Division 5). This report elaborates on the main results from the study. Since the...
Mission assurance: beyond secure processing
The processor of a drone runs essential functions of sensing, communications, coordination, and control. This is the conventional view. But in today's cyber environment, the processor must also provide security to assure mission completion. We have been developing a secure processing architecture for mission assurance. A study on state-of-the-art secure...
SoK: privacy on mobile devices - it's complicated
Modern mobile devices place a wide variety of sensors and services within the personal space of their users. As a result, these devices are capable of transparently monitoring many sensitive aspects of these users' lives (e.g., location, health, or correspondences). Users typically trade access to this data for convenient applications...
Threat-based risk assessment for enterprise networks
Protecting enterprise networks requires continuous risk assessment that automatically identifies and prioritizes cyber security risks, enables efficient allocation of cyber security resources, and enhances protection against modern cyber threats. Lincoln Laboratory created a network security model to guide the development of such risk assessments and, for the most important cyber...
Repeatable reverse engineering for the greater good with PANDA
We present PANDA, an open-source tool that has been purpose-built to support whole system reverse engineering. It is built upon the QEMU whole system emulator, and so analyses have access to all code executing in the guest and all data. PANDA adds the ability to record and replay executions, enabling...
Automated assessment of secure search systems
This work presents the results of a three-year project that assessed nine different privacy-preserving data search systems. We detail the design of a software assessment framework that focuses on low system footprint, repeatability, and reusability. A unique achievement of this project was the automation and integration of the entire test...
Using 3D printing to visualize social media big data
Big data volume continues to grow at unprecedented rates. One of the key features that makes big data valuable is the promise to find unknown patterns or correlations that may be able to improve the quality of processes or systems. Unfortunately, with the exponential growth in data, users often have...
LuminoCity: a 3D printed, illuminated city generated from LADAR data
In this work, we describe LuminoCity, a novel three-dimensional data display. A 3D printed model of Cambridge, MA was generated from LADAR data. A translucent plastic model was then cast from a mold of the 3D printed model. We developed a display system to project data onto the translucent model...
Architecture-independent dynamic information flow tracking
Dynamic information flow tracking is a well-known dynamic software analysis technique with a wide variety of applications that range from making systems more secure, to helping developers and analysts better understand the code that systems are executing. Traditionally, the fine-grained analysis capabilities that are desired for the class of these...
Nanosatellites for Earth environmental monitoring: the MicroMAS project
The Micro-sized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS) is a 3U cubesat (34x10x10 cm, 4.5 kg) hosting a passive microwave spectrometer operating near the 118.75-GHz oxygen absorption line. The focus of the first MicroMAS mission (hereafter, MicroMAS-1) is to observe convective thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, and hurricanes from a near-equatorial orbit at approximately...