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The Human Trafficking Technology Roadmap: a targeted development strategy for the Department of Homeland Security


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of involuntary labor and sexual exploitation. It affects tens of million of victims worldwide and generates tens of billions of dollars in illicit profits annually. While agencies across the U.S. Government employ a diverse range of resources to combat human trafficking in the U.S. and abroad, trafficking operations remain challenging to measure, investigate, and interdict. Within the Department of Homeland Security, the Science and Technology Directorate is addressing these challenges by incorporating computational social science research into their counter-human trafficking approach. As part of this approach, the Directorate tasked an interdisciplinary team of national security researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory, a federally funded research and development center, to undertake a detailed examination of the human trafficking response across the Homeland Security Enterprise. The first phase of this effort was a government-wide systems analysis of major counter-trafficking thrust areas, including law enforcement and prosecution; public health and emergency medicine; victim services; and policy and legislation. The second phase built on this systems analysis to develop a human trafficking technology roadmap and implementation strategy for the Science and Technology Directorate, which is presented in this document.


Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purposes of involuntary labor and sexual exploitation. It affects tens of million of victims worldwide and generates tens of billions of dollars in illicit profits annually. While agencies across the U.S...


Vertical reflectivity profiles: averaged storm structures and applications to fan-beam radar weather detection in the U.S.

Published in:
16th Conf. on Severe Local Storms/Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, 22-26 October 1990, pp. 213-218.


The FAA is deploying over 100 next generation airport surveillance radars (ASR-9) at selected major airports across the country. Like previous ASRs, the ASR-9 utilizes dual broad elevation fan beams Figure 1) along with a rapid scan rate (12.5 RPM to exercise its primary function of detecting aircraft over a 60 nmi radius. In addition, the ASR-9 has a separate dedicated weather reflectivity channel which allows air traffic controllers to display quantitative precipitation intensity reports corresponding to the NWS six-level intensity scale on their PPI display. The 30 second update rate of the weather channel coupled with the large sample volume swept by the ASR-9 fan-beam combine to provide timely and useful indications of precipitation intensity within the terminal airspace. The PPI display of precipitation intensity which is presented to the air traffic controller is essentially a 2-D representation of the 3-D reflectivity field sampled by the fan-shaped beam of the ASR-9. Since the antenna gain varies with elevation angle (Figure 1), the parameter reopned by the ASR-9 weather channel represents a beam-weighted, vertically averaged estimate of storm intensity. Previous research has shown that the vertically integrated reflectivity automatically reported by fan-beam radars such as the ASR-9 correlates well with estimates of vertically integrated liquid water content (VIL), a useful meteorological parameter which is a measure of overall storm intensity. Dobson found a linear relationship between W and fan-beam reflectivity from 30 to 60 dBZ assuming the beam is filled with precipitation (see discussion in Section 4). If the beam is non-uniformly or only partially filled with precipitation, then the inherent vertical integration introduced by the fan-beam may cause an underestimation of the storm intensity. This beam filling loss is most acute at long range, where the vertical extent of the beam intercepts more than 10 km of altitude. The magnitude of this error depends on the complex interaction between the vertical reflectivity structure of the storm and its interception by the fan-shaped beam. If the shape and altitude extent of the vertical reflectivity profile (such as could be provided by a pencil-beam radar) are known, then a suitable adjustment can be calculated and applied to the fan-beam reflectivity estimate in order to produce the desired reflectivity report. The six-level weather thresholds are stored in processor memory for each range sate as functions of receive beam (high or low). The thresholds can be adjusted to compensate for beam filling losses. The adjustments initially implemented in the ASR-9 were derived using a reflectivity profile model which assumes the maximum reflectivity of the storm is distributed constantly from the surface up to 4 km, and then falls off at 3 dBZ per km above 4 km. The success of the reflectivity correction depends on how well the model profile matches actual storm profiles. If regional variations in general storm morphology are significant, then different beam filling loss correction models may need to be developed for specific regions. Understanding the significance of these regional variations in storm vertical reflectivity structure and their impact on ASR-9 weather report accuracy provided the motivation for this study.


The FAA is deploying over 100 next generation airport surveillance radars (ASR-9) at selected major airports across the country. Like previous ASRs, the ASR-9 utilizes dual broad elevation fan beams Figure 1) along with a rapid scan rate (12.5 RPM to exercise its primary function of detecting aircraft over a...


Beam filling loss adjustments for ASR-9 weather channel reflectivity estimates

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report ATC-177


The FAA is deploying over 100 new ariport surveillance radars (ASR-9) across the country. In contrast to earlier ASRs, the ASR-9 utilized a separate digital weather processing channel to provide air traffic controllers with timely, calibrated displays of precipitation intensity. The ASR-9 utilizes dual selectable fan-shaped elevation beams designed to track aircraft over a large volume. As a consequence, weather echoes received from these fan-shaped beams represent vertically-averaged quantities. If the precipitation only partially or nonuniformly fills the beam, then the vertically integrated reflectivity may underestimate the actual intensity of the storm. The ASR-9 weather channel corrects for this by adjusting the range-dependent six-level relfectivity thresholds. The appropriateness of the currently implemented correction has not been carefully examined and may require modification to take into account regional and morphological variability in storm structure. This report discusses the method used to derive new beam filling loss adjustments. An extensive database of volumetric pencil-beam radar data were used in conjunction with our ASR-9 simulation facility to derive adjustments aimed at calibrating the precipitation intensity reports to the maximum perceived hazard. The new corrections yield substantially improved results over the current corrections in producing these reflectivity reports.


The FAA is deploying over 100 new ariport surveillance radars (ASR-9) across the country. In contrast to earlier ASRs, the ASR-9 utilized a separate digital weather processing channel to provide air traffic controllers with timely, calibrated displays of precipitation intensity. The ASR-9 utilizes dual selectable fan-shaped elevation beams designed to...


Electrical characteristics of microburst-producing storms in Denver

Published in:
Proc. 24th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, 27-31 March 1989, pp. 89-92.


Coordinated Doppler radar and electrical measurements of thunderstorm microbursts were initiated by Lincoln Laboratory and the MIT Weather Radar group in Huntsville, AL in 1987. These measurements were intended to identify electrical precursors to aviation hazards at ground level and to study the relationship between the state of cloud convective development and the prevalent lightning type. The results of the Huntsville Study (Williams and Orville, 1988; Williamd et al., 1988) showed pronounced peaks in intracloud lightning activity and radar reflectivity above the melting level 5-10 minutes prior to maximum outflow velocities at the surface. A similar behavior has been reported by Goodman et al. (1988) for a thunderstorm observed in COHMEX in the same region. These observations support a prominent role for ice, both in promoting the intracloud lightning aloft and in subsequently driving the outflow by virtue of the melting process. All Huntsville cases studied were 'wet' microbursts with maximum low level reflectivity factors greater than 50 dBZ. The parent storms were deep (H>11km) and electrically active (flash rate greater than or equal to 1min^-1). Recent microburst studies in Denver (Hjelmfelt, 1987); Biron and isaminger, 1989) have identified, in addition to a majority of 'wet' microbursts, substantial numbers of dry microburst-producing storms (Z<10^3 mm^6/m^3) with elevated cloud bases and modest radar cloud tops. The present studies were aimed at determining to what extent the electrical manifestations observed in Huntsville were prevalent in Denver. This paper presents some preliminary results for the Denver measurements from the summer of 1988.


Coordinated Doppler radar and electrical measurements of thunderstorm microbursts were initiated by Lincoln Laboratory and the MIT Weather Radar group in Huntsville, AL in 1987. These measurements were intended to identify electrical precursors to aviation hazards at ground level and to study the relationship between the state of cloud convective...


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