Large-format Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays and readout circuits
Over the past 20 years, we have developed arrays of custom-fabricated silicon and InP Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays, CMOS readout circuits to digitally count or time stamp single-photon detection events, and techniques to integrate these two components to make back-illuminated solid-state image sensors for lidar, optical communications, and passive imaging...
State of the art focal plane arrays of InP/InGaAsP Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for active electro-optical applications
MIT Lincoln Laboratory has developed InP/InGaAsP Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiodes and associated readout integrated circuits (ROICs) that have enabled numerous active optical systems over the past decade. Framed and asynchronous photon timing ROIC architectures have been demonstrated. In recent years, efforts at MITLL have focused on technology development to advance the...
Crosstalk characterization and mitigation in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays
Intra focal plane array (FPA) crosstalk is a primary development limiter of large, fine-pixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (Gm-APD) arrays beyond 256×256 pixels. General analysis methods and results from MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT/LL) InP-based detector arrays will be presented.
Readout circuitry for continuous high-rate photon detection with arrays of InP Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes
An asynchronous readout integrated circuit (ROIC) has been developed for hybridization to a 32x32 array of single-photon sensitive avalanche photodiodes (APDs). The asynchronous ROIC is capable of simultaneous detection and readout of photon times of arrival, with no array blind time. Each pixel in the array is independently operated by...
InP-based single-photon detector arrays with asynchronous readout integrated circuits
We have developed and demonstrated a highduty- cycle asynchronous InGaAsP-based photon counting detector system with near-ideal Poisson response, roomtemperature operation, and nanosecond timing resolution for near-infrared applications. The detector is based on an array of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes coupled to a custom integrated circuit that provides for lossless readout via...
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes for photon counting
Arrays of InP-based avalanche photodiodes (APDs) with InGaAsP absorber regions have been fabricated and characterized in the Geiger mode for photon-counting applications. Measurements of APDs with InGaAsP absorbers optimized for 1.06 um wavelength show dark count rates (DCRs)