Health-informed policy gradients for multi-agent reinforcement learning
This paper proposes a definition of system health in the context of multiple agents optimizing a joint reward function. We use this definition as a credit assignment term in a policy gradient algorithm to distinguish the contributions of individual agents to the global reward. The health-informed credit assignment is then...
Learning emergent discrete message communication for cooperative reinforcement learning
Communication is a important factor that enables agents work cooperatively in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Most previous work uses continuous message communication whose high representational capacity comes at the expense of interpretability. Allowing agents to learn their own discrete message communication protocol emerged from a variety of domains can increase...
Adaptive stress testing: finding likely failure events with reinforcement learning
Finding the most likely path to a set of failure states is important to the analysis of safety critical systems that operate over a sequence of time steps, such as aircraft collision avoidance systems and autonomous cars. In many applications such as autonomous driving, failures cannot be completely eliminated due...
Deep implicit coordination graphs for multi-agent reinforcement learning [e-print]
Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) requires coordination to efficiently solve certain tasks. Fully centralized control is often infeasible in such domains due to the size of joint action spaces. Coordination graph based formalization allows reasoning about the joint action based on the structure of interactions. However, they often require domain expertise...
Optimized airborne collision avoidance in mixed equipage environments
Developing robust collision avoidance logic that reliably prevents collision without excessive alerting is challenging due to sensor error and uncertainty in the future paths of the aircraft. Over the past few years, research has focused on the use of a computational method known as dynamic programming for producing an optimized...
Next-generation airborne collision avoidance system
In response to a series of midair collisions involving commercial airliners, Lincoln Laboratory was directed by the Federal Aviation Administration in the 1970s to participate in the development of an onboard collision avoidance system. In its current manifestation, the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System is mandated worldwide on all...
Hazard alerting based on probabilistic models
Hazard alerting systems alert operators to potential future undesirable events so that action may be taken to mitigate risk. One way to develop a hazard alerting system based on probabilistic models is by using a threshold-based approach, where the probability of the undesirable event without mitigation is compared against a...
A new approach for designing safer collision avoidance systems
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System significantly reduces the risk of mid-air collision and is mandated worldwide on transport aircraft. Engineering the avoidance logic was costly and spanned decades. The development followed an iterative process where the logic was specified using pseudocode, evaluated in simulation, and revised based on...
Decomposition methods for optimized collision avoidance with multiple threats
Aircraft collision avoidance systems assist in the resolution of collision threats from nearby aircraft by issuing avoidance maneuvers to pilots. Encounters where multiple aircraft pose a threat, though rare, can be difficult to resolve because a maneuver that might resolve a conflict with one aircraft might induce conflicts with others...
Collision avoidance for general aviation
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is mandated on all large transport aircraft to reduce mid-air collision risk. Since its introduction, no mid-air collisions between TCAS-equipped aircraft have occurred in the United States. However, General Aviation (GA) aircraft are generally not equipped with TCAS and experience collisions several...