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ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor technology refresh and upgrade
The Weather Systems Processor (WSP) is an add-on system to the Airport Surveillance Radar-9 (ASR-9) that generates wind shear detection and storm tracking products for the terminal airspace. As the original system ages and pre-purchased replacement parts in the depot are used up, it becomes increasingly problematic to procure hardware...
Wind-shear detection performance analysis for MPAR risk reduction
Multifunction phased array radars (MPARs) of the future that may replace the current terminal wind-shear detection systems will need to meet the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) detection requirements. Detection performance issues related to on-airport siting of MPAR, its broader antenna beamwidth relative to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), and...
Wind-shear detection performance study for multifunction phased array radar (MPAR) risk reduction
Multifunction phased array radars (MPARs) of the future that may replace the current terminal wind-shear detection systems will need to meet the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) detection requirements. Detection performance issues related to on-airport siting of MPAR, its broader antenna beamwidth relative to the TDWR, and the change in operational...
Multifunction Phased Array Radar wind shear experiment
Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWRs) provide near-ground wind shear detection that is critical for aircraft safety at 46 airports across the United States. These systems are part of the larger network of 510 weather and aircraft surveillance radars owned and operated by government agencies in the continental United States. As...
Analysis of ground-based radar low-altitude wind-shear detection in OEP terminal airspace for NextGen
To support the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), the Reduce Weather Impact Sensor RightSizing program is identifying and analyzing gaps in the current sensor network coverage relative to the Four-Dimensional Weather Data Cube Single Authoritative Source performance requirements. In this study, we look for shortfalls in low-altitude wind-shear sensing...
Redeployment of the New York TDWR - technical analysis of candidate sites and alternative wind shear sensors
The John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) and LaGuardia Airport (LGA) are protected from wind shear exposure by the New York Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), which is currently located at Floyd Bennet Field, New York. Because of a September 1999 agreement between the Department of the Interior and the...
Wind-shear system cost benefit analysis update
A series of fatal commercial aviation accidents in the 1970s led to the development of systems and strategies to protect against wind shear. The Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), Low Level Wind Shear Alert System (LLWAS), Weather Systems Processor (WSP) for Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9), pilot training and on-board wind...
Detection probability modeling for airport wind-shear sensors
An objective wind-shear detection probability estimation model is developed for radar, lidar, and sensor combinations. The model includes effects of system sensitivity, site-specific wind-shear, clutter, and terrain blockage characteristics, range-aliased obscuration statistics, antenna beam filling and attenuation, and signal processing differences which allow a sensor- and site-specific performance analysis of...
Comparative analysis of terminal wind-shear detection systems
Low-level wind shear, especially a microburst, is very hazardous to aircraft departing or approaching an airport. The danger became especially clear in a series of fatal commercial airliner accidents in the 1970s and 1980s at U.S. airports. In response, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) developed and deployed three ground-based low-altitude...
Analysis of operational alternatives to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR)
Possible alternatives to the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) are assessed. We consider both the low altitude wind shear detection service provided by TDWR and its role in reducing weather-related airport delays through its input to the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). Airborne predictive wind shear (PWS) radars do not...