The Offshore Precipitation Capability
In this work, machine learning and image processing methods are used to estimate radar-like precipitation intensity and echo top heights beyond the range of weather radar. The technology, called the Offshore Precipitation Capability (OPC), combines global lightning data with existing radar mosaics, five Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) channels, and...
An assessment of the operational utility of a GOES lightning mapping sensor
This report evaluates the incremental operational benefits of a proposed Lightning Mapping Sensor (LMS) for NOAA's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES). If deployed, LMS would provide continuous, real-time surveillance of total lightning activity over large portions of the North and South American continents and surrounding oceans. In contrast to the...
Update on COSPA storm forecasts
Air traffic congestion in the United States (US) is a serious national problem resulting in a critical need for timely, reliable and high quality forecasts of precipitation and echo tops with forecast time horizons of up to 8 hours. In order to address the short-term needs of the Federal Aviation...
A space-time multiscale analysis system: a sequential variational analysis approach
As new observation systems are developed and deployed, new and presumably more precise information is becoming available for weather forecasting and climate monitoring. To take advantage of these new observations, it is desirable to have schemes to accurately retrieve the information before statistical analyses are performed so that statistical computation...
NextGen Weather Processor architecture study
The long-term objectives for the NextGen Weather Processor (NWP) include consolidation of today's multiple weather systems, incorporation of recent and emerging Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) infrastructure (Federal Telecommunications Infrastructure (FTI), System Wide Information Management (SWIM), NextGen Network-Enabled Weather (NNEW)), leveraging National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraiton (NOAA) and/or commercial weather resources...
Advances in the Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation (CoSPA)
Convective storms are responsible for causing a predominant number of delays in the summer when air traffic peaks. Several studies have shown that there is a critical need for timely, reliable, and high-quality forecasts of precipitation and echo tops with forecast time horizons of up to 12 hours in order...
Roadmap for weather integration into Traffic Flow Management Modernization (TFM-M)
This report provides recommendations for aligning new Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies (CATM-T) with evolving aviation weather products to improve NAS efficiency during adverse (especially severe) weather conditions. Key gaps identified include 1. Improving or developing pilot convective storm avoidance models as well as models for route blockage and capacity...
The 2008 CoSPA forecast demonstration (Collaborative Storm Prediction for Aviation)
Air traffic congestion caused by convective weather in the US has become a serious national problem. Several studies have shown that there is a critical need for timely, reliable and high quality forecasts of precipitation and echo tops with forecast time horizons of up to 12 hours in order to...
Measuring the uncertainty of weather forecasts specific to air traffic management operations
In this paper, we develop a novel way to measure the accuracy of weather forecasts based upon the impact on air traffic flows. This method uses new techniques developed as part of the CWAM that consider the complicated interaction between pilots, air traffic controllers and weather. This technique, known as...
Consolidated storm prediction for aviation (CoSPA)
Research over the last 10 years primarily funded by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) has led to very successful development of forecasts of both convective and winter storms, using heuristic and numerical models, for aviation applications. We have reached a point where there are several overlapping capabilities, and...