Variability of speech timing features across repeated recordings: a comparison of open-source extraction techniques
translation; extracted speech features are susceptible to methodological variations in the recording and processing pipeline. Investigating this, we compared exemplar timing features extracted via three different techniques from recordings of healthy speech. Our results show that features extracted via an intensity-based method differ from those produced by forced alignment. Different extraction methods also led to differing estimates of within-speaker feature variability over time in an analysis of recordings repeated systematically over three sessions in one day (n=26) and in one week (n=28). Our findings highlight the importance of feature extraction in study design and interpretation, and the need for consistent, accurate extraction techniques for clinical research.
Variations in speech timing features have been reliably linked to symptoms of various health conditions, demonstrating clinical potential. However, replication challenges hinder their
translation; extracted speech features are susceptible to methodological variations in the recording and processing pipeline. Investigating this, we compared exemplar timing features extracted via three different techniques...
Building digital twins for cardiovascular health: From principles to clinical impact
The past several decades have seen rapid advances in diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and stroke, enabled by technological breakthroughs in imaging, genomics, and physiological monitoring, coupled with therapeutic interventions. We now face the challenge of how to (1) rapidly process large, complex multimodal and multiscale medical measurements; (2)...
Microbubble contrast agents improve detection of active hemorrhage
Assessment of trauma-induced hemorrhage with ultrasound is particularly challenging outside of the clinic, where its detection is crucial. The current clinical standard for hematoma detection – the focused assessment with sonography of trauma (FAST) exam – does not aim to detect ongoing blood loss, and thus is unable to detect...
An exploratory characterization of speech- and fine-motor coordination in verbal children with Autism spectrum disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder often associated with difficulties in speech production and fine-motor tasks. Thus, there is a need to develop objective measures to assess and understand speech production and other fine-motor challenges in individuals with ASD. In addition, recent research suggests that difficulties with speech...
A neurophysiological-auditory "listen receipt" for communication enhancement
Information overload, and specifically auditory overload, is common in critical situations and detrimental to communication. Currently, there is no auditory equivalent of an email read receipt to know if a person has heard a message, other than waiting for a reply. This work hypothesizes that it may be possible to...
Quantifying speech production coordination from non- and minimally-speaking individuals
Purpose: Non-verbal utterances are an important tool of communication for individuals who are non- or minimally-speaking. While these utterances are typically understood by caregivers, they can be challenging to interpret by their larger community. To date, there has been little work done to detect and characterize the vocalizations produced by...
A vocal model to predict readiness under sleep deprivation
A variety of factors can affect cognitive readiness and influence human performance in tasks that are mission critical. Sleep deprivation is one of the most prevalent factors that degrade performance. One risk-mitigation approach is to use vocal biomarkers to detect cognitive fatigue and resulting performance decrements. In this study, a...
Optimizing MobileNet algorithms for real-time vessel detection on smartphones
Internal bleeding due to non-compressible torso hemorrhage is the leading cause of prehospital fatalities in civilian and military trauma. A limited number of trauma surgeons are expected to be available in disaster scenarios and future large-scale combat operations. As a result, non-specialists will need to perform life-saving interventions to address...
Daily activity profiles and activity fluctuations correlate with BMI
The rising levels of obesity have been declared a global epidemic by the World Health Organization, with obesity rates surpassing 50% in many countries. Between the late 1970s and the early 2000s in the U.S., the prevalence of obesity doubled while the prevalence of severe obesity more than tripled. One...
Towards robust paralinguistic assessment for real-world mobile health (mHealth) monitoring: an initial study of reverberation effects on speech
Speech is promising as an objective, convenient tool to monitor health remotely over time using mobile devices. Numerous paralinguistic features have been demonstrated to contain salient information related to an individual's health. However, mobile device specification and acoustic environments vary widely, risking the reliability of the extracted features. In an...