Covariance estimation with scanning arrays: FY23 RF Systems Technical Investment Program
Analog arrays with steerable beams can be capable of angle estimation and sometimes even adaptive beamforming based on power measurements taken at the outputs of multiple beam dwells. In the interesting case of a reflectarray, where beams are formed using a large collection of programmable, passive phase shifters, it is...
Robust network protocols for large swarms of small UAVs
In this work, we detail a synchronized channel hopping network for autonomous swarms of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) conducting intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) missions in the presence of interference and jamming. The core component of our design is Queue Length Informed Maximal Matching (QLIMM), a distributed transmission scheduling...
Detecting pathogen exposure during the non-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data: proof of concept in non-human primates
Background and Objectives: Early warning of bacterial and viral infection, prior to the development of overt clinical symptoms, allows not only for improved patient care and outcomes but also enables faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation and contact tracing). Our primary objectives in this effort are 3-fold. First...
Priority scheduling for multi-function apertures with hard- and soft-time constraints
A multi-function aperture (MFA) is an antenna array that supports multiple RF signals for a diverse set of activities. An MFA may support multiple activities simultaneously if they are compatible, and platforms may utilize multiple MFAs to meet field-of-regard and frequency range requirements. Efficient MFA utilization requires a Resource Manager...
Using oculomotor features to predict changes in optic nerve sheath diameter and ImPACT scores from contact-sport athletes
There is mounting evidence linking the cumulative effects of repetitive head impacts to neuro-degenerative conditions. Robust clinical assessment tools to identify mild traumatic brain injuries are needed to assist with timely diagnosis for return-to-field decisions and appropriately guide rehabilitation. The focus of the present study is to investigate the potential...
Beamforming with distributed arrays: FY19 RF Systems Line-Supported Program
Spatial beamforming using distributed arrays of RF sensors is treated. Unlike the observations from traditional RF antenna arrays, the distributed array's data can be subjected to widely varying time and frequency shifts among sensors and signals. These shifts require compensation upon reception in order to perform spatial filtering. To perform...
Collaborative and passive channel gain estimation in fading environments
Dynamic spectrum access techniques are typically aided by knowledge of the wireless channel gains among participating radios, as this knowledge allows the potential interference impact of any radio's transmissions on its neighbors to be quantified. We present a technique for collaborative inference of the channel gains which relies solely on...
Detecting pathogen exposure during the non-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data
Early pathogen exposure detection allows better patient care and faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation, contact tracing). Existing exposure detection most frequently relies on overt clinical symptoms, namely fever, during the infectious prodromal period. We have developed a robust machine learning based method to better detect asymptomatic states...
High performance, 3D-printable dielectric nanocomposites for millimeter wave devices
The creation of millimeter wave, 3D-printable dielectric nanocomposite is demonstrated. Alumina nanoparticles were combined with styrenic block copolymers and solvent to create shear thinning, viscoelastic inks that are printable at room temperature. Particle loadings of up to 41 vol % were achieved. Upon being dried, the highest-performing of these materials...
Polymer dielectrics for 3D-printed RF devices in the Ka band
Direct-write printing allows the fabrication of centimeter-wave radio devices. Most polymer dielectric polymer materials become lossy at frequencies above 10 GHz. Presented here is a printable dielectric material with low loss in the K a band (26.5–40 GHz). This process allows the fabrication of resonator filter devices and a radio...