Dissociating COVID-19 from other respiratory infections based on acoustic, motor coordination, and phonemic patterns
In the face of the global pandemic caused by the disease COVID-19, researchers have increasingly turned to simple measures to detect and monitor the presence of the disease in individuals at home. We sought to determine if measures of neuromotor coordination, derived from acoustic time series, as well as phoneme-based...
An emotion-driven vocal biomarker-based PTSD screening tool
This paper introduces an automated post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening tool that could potentially be used as a self-assessment or inserted into routine medical visits for PTSD diagnosis and treatment. Methods: With an emotion estimation algorithm providing arousal (excited to calm) and valence (pleasure to displeasure) levels through discourse, we...
Noninvasive monitoring of simulated hemorrhage and whole blood resuscitation
Hemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable death from trauma. Accurate monitoring of hemorrhage and resuscitation can significantly reduce mortality and morbidity but remains a challenge due to the low sensitivity of traditional vital signs in detecting blood loss and possible hemorrhagic shock. Vital signs are not reliable early indicators...
Backdoor poisoning of encrypted traffic classifiers
Significant recent research has focused on applying deep neural network models to the problem of network traffic classification. At the same time, much has been written about the vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial inputs, both during training and inference. In this work, we consider launching backdoor poisoning attacks...
Contingent routing using orbital geometry in proliferated low-earth-orbit satellite networks
Optimum adaptive routing in proliferated low-earth-orbit (pLEO) satellite networks requires intensive computation. The very small size, light weight, and low power of individual satellites in such networks makes a centralized, terrestrial, SDN-like approach to routing computation an attractive solution. However, it is highly desirable to have a distributed backup routing...
Failure resilience in proliferated low earth orbit satellite network topologies
The vision of continuous network connectivity for users located anywhere on Earth is increasingly being enabled by satellite constellations with hundreds to thousands of satellites operating in low altitude orbits (typically somewhere between a few hundred and two thousand km). These constellations are often referred to as proliferated Low Earth...
Rate control with autoregressive forecasting for high frequency communication
This work introduces a data-driven framework for rate control and applies it to high frequency (HF) communication systems that propagate via the Earth’s ionosphere. The rate control approach uses statistical techniques to forecast channel state with an autoregressive (AR) model, which has previously been applied to different forms of wireless...
Mission resilience experimentation and evaluation testbed
As the complexity of DoD systems increases exponentially, the DoD continues to struggle with understanding and improving the resilience of its mission software. The Applied Resilience for Mission Systems (ARMS) Testbed is an environment that enables resilience improvement by experimentation and assessment of different mission system architectures and approaches. This...
Automated contact tracing assessment
The COVID-19 pandemic placed unprecedented demands on the global public health systems for disease surveillance and contact tracing. Engineers and scientists recognized that it might be possible to augment the efforts of public health teams, if a system for automated digital contact tracing could be quickly devised and deployed to...
On randomization in MTD systems
Randomization is one of the main strategies in providing security in moving-target-defense (MTD) systems. However, randomization has an associated cost and estimating this cost and its impact on the overall system is crucial to ensure adoption of the MTD strategy. In this paper we discuss our experience in attempting to...