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an image of a jet streaking across the sky, with contrails being left behind
With MIT AeroAstro, we are developing forecasts and decision support tools to aid air traffic controllers in avoiding the formation of persistent contrails, which are increasingly considered to have a substantial impact on climate warming.
a sensor/instrument on a tripod, set up in a field.
aviation weather
A low-cost technology can increase the number and quality of wind and temperature atmospheric observations made by aircraft to improve forecasts.
a screenshot of a user interface shows a world map with radar-like depictions of rain bands, colored blue, green, and yellow.
aviation weather
By compiling lightning data, satellite imagery, and numerical weather models, the GSWR provides radar-like analyses and forecasts over regions not observed by actual weather radars.
Imagery from the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager
environmental monitoring
The Laboratory's long-term collaboration with NOAA and NASA on environmental monitoring satellites has led to revolutionized weather imagery and products and improved detection for space and solar phenomena.

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