
A constellation of small satellites is collecting rapidly refreshed weather data to advance studies of hurricane structure and intensity and improve forecasts.

Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Series
The Laboratory's long-term collaboration with NOAA and NASA on environmental monitoring satellites has led to revolutionized weather imagery and products and improved detection for space and solar phenomena.

Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar
Lincoln Laboratory created the world's highest-resolution radar for imaging of space objects in support of space situational awareness.

Deployable In-Space Coherent Imaging Telescope
Technologies enabling the deployment of an expandable telescope from a small spacecraft could pave the way for the development of other payloads for small satellites.

Multi-Aperture Sparse Imager Video System
An airborne system provides high-resolution wide-area video imagery and onboard data processing to enable real-time monitoring of suspicious human activity.

Space Surveillance Telescope
A unique curved focal surface enables a highly sensitive telescope capable of surveying broad swaths of deep space to detect the faintest objects in the night sky.

Applied Space Weather
New algorithms improve the resilience of satellite and RF systems to impacts from space weather.

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
A new planet hunter will spend the next two years searching for exoplanets, including those that could support life.

Optical Processing Architecture at Lincoln
Our researchers developed a software architecture that allows analysts to rapidly run algorithms on the volumes of sensor data collected about space objects.

14th Air Force Detachment — Space Tactics Internship
A program created by the Air Force Space Command and Lincoln Laboratory gives participants experience with advanced systems and processes for managing space operations.