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The Laboratory's novel optical communication system was integrated on a robotic undersea vehicle.
optical systems
A system that enables robust, long-distance communications between underwater vehicles exploits laser technology.
For installation aboard a launch vehicle, a space telescope using technology developed for DISCIT will fold up into the compact shape seen at the left, but will expand its segmented sparse subapertures, right, once deployed.
integrated systems
Technologies enabling the deployment of an expandable telescope from a small spacecraft could pave the way for the development of other payloads for small satellites.
PANDA's replay log files are compact and shareable, allowing for repeatable experiments. For example, a nine billion instruction set is represented by only a few hundred megabytes.
cyber security
An open source platform helps analysts quickly reverse engineer large, real-world binary systems to better analyze how software executes.
The Laboratory's advanced work in miniaturized electronics enabled the development of EnteroPhone™.
A wireless, ingestible device monitors heart and breathing rates by listening to the body's sounds and senses core temperature, all from within the gastrointestinal tract.
The processing board for the new graph processor is shown.
information, computation, & exploitation
A prototype of a new graph processor has been shown to handle big data as efficiently as a supercomputer.
Experiments with the micro-ladar yielded this image of the sombrero at the right.
optical systems
Recent advances in imaging architectures and real-time processing are enabling the development of a miniature ladar sensor that can be deployed on a UAV.

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