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A small sensor being adapted for the methane-detecting network
Deploying large networks of ground-based methane detectors could help detect pipeline leaks, improve climate models, and regulate emission sources.
An illustration of two self-driving cars detecting nearby objects and sharing sensor data using the same radio-frequency band.
RF technology
New waveforms enable efficient spectrum sharing between radars sensing moving objects and wireless communications systems transmitting data.
A schematic of a plane equipped with a lidar detecting humans under dense tree canopy.
Lincoln Laboratory is exploring the feasibility of building an airborne sensing system to detect the presence of humans under dense tree canopy.
A screenshot over the florida panhandle and carribean, with dots in the ocean representing spare salinity monitors.
We are developing a compact and encapsulated optical salinity sensor to enable more distributed and persistent monitoring of the ocean’s 3D structure.
A dozen operators sit in front of computer screens.
decision support
New software tools provide test operators with automated decision support for directing sensors during increasingly complex tests conducted at the Reagan Test Site.
Two photos are shown of the same landscape. The left hand photo shows a clear day, with a mountain in the distance. The right hand side shows a foggy view, with the mountain obscured.
air traffic control
An algorithm uses camera imagery to estimate visibility for pilots flying in remote areas that lack weather sensors.
A photo of an interferometer on a lab bench. A staff member is adjusting a part of it.
We are investigating the use of novel imaging technologies for detecting and quantifying methane emissions in the atmosphere.
A photo of Arctic sea ice fracturing into big chunks.
We are developing a sensor network to improve our understanding and monitoring of sea ice breakup in the rapidly changing Arctic region.
A photograph of the Airborne Sensor Test Bed.
A uniquely modified jet is an important asset for making important measurements of tactical aircraft.
An image of the handheld AI-Guide tool. it consists of a grey plastic device, with a small screen and a needle cartrige; a white ultrasound probe; and an orange application-specific guidewire cartridge.
Hemorrhage causes 90% of preventable battlefield deaths. AI-GUIDE is designed to address this issue by enabling medics to catheterize a major blood vessel, through which life-saving aid can be delivered, in a pre-hospital setting.

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