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Guiding Light in Air-Filled Fibers for Long-Distance Lasercom
A new type of fiber could transmit the high-power light needed for future deep-space science and exploration missions.

High-Assurance Cryptography
Lincoln Laboratory is developing technologies to meet the highest standards for information security at the tactical edge.

TeraByte InfraRed Delivery (TBIRD)
The laser communications payload has delivered terabytes of data from a satellite to Earth at record-breaking rates that will transform future science missions.

Laser Communications Relay Demonstration
Optical communications technologies decades in the making at Lincoln Laboratory were transferred to NASA for its first two-way laser relay communications system.

Space Systems Cyber-Resiliency
We are researching and prototyping cyber-resilient space systems software that will enable critical national security space assets to withstand, operate through, and recover from cyberattack.

Haystack Ultrawideband Satellite Imaging Radar
Lincoln Laboratory created the world's highest-resolution radar for imaging of space objects in support of space situational awareness.

Space Surveillance Telescope
A unique curved focal surface enables a highly sensitive telescope capable of surveying broad swaths of deep space to detect the faintest objects in the night sky.

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
A new planet hunter will spend the next two years searching for exoplanets, including those that could support life.

14th Air Force Detachment — Space Tactics Internship
A program created by the Air Force Space Command and Lincoln Laboratory gives participants experience with advanced systems and processes for managing space operations.